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Fight Breaks Out At Kampong Gelam, Police Officer Seen Intervening With Baton

Police Officer With Baton Intervenes In Kampong Gelam Fight

Nobody can seem to pinpoint the reason why, but more fights have been happening around Singapore in recent weeks.

The latest to join this unsavoury list is a fight that broke out in Kampong Gelam.

In a short video posted on Facebook, the huge brawl appears to have broken out outside a building along Aliwal Street.

A police officer is seen at a later point in the footage, apparently trying to break up the scuffle by withdrawing his baton while approaching the tussling group.

Multiple men kick man on floor during Kampong Gelam fight

First shared on the COMPLAINT SINGAPORE Facebook page, the 33-second clip shows a huge fight taking place on the road along Aliwal Street.

In the midst of oncoming traffic, a number of men came together to take turns kicking another man who was curled up on the floor.

Source: Facebook

After a few kicks, the befallen man got up and shielded his head from any additional hits.

Source: Facebook

However, he didn’t last long as he visibly fell back to the ground after a flurry of hits. Soon after, more men came to join the scuffle, forming a ring around the victim.

Police officer uses baton to separate crowd

At this point, a police officer appears at the scene and starts to intervene in the fight.


From the footage, he can be seen trying to break things up calmly at first. However, his efforts appear to be in vain.

Seeing that his methods weren’t working, he seemingly shoved one of the men against a parked car. The move temporarily distracted the group, allowing the fallen man to get back on his feet.

Source: Facebook

However, the man, presumably enraged by the beating, started advancing toward his attackers.

Seemingly out of options, the police officer pulled out a baton from his hip. He then raised the weapon and charged toward the new fight that broke out.

Source: Facebook

The video ends abruptly and did not show what transpired directly after.

MS News has reached out to the Singapore Police Force (SPF) for comment on the matter and will update the article accordingly when they get back.

Kudos to the SPF officer for taking charge of situation

Kudos to the brave police officer for taking charge of the situation even though he was outnumbered.

While it might be hard to pinpoint the reasons behind such fights propping up in Singapore, it’d certainly be a shame if the recently-eased measures were rolled back as a result of such incidents.

Hopefully, this is not the case and the nightlife crowd can control their emotions better.

Have news you must share? Get in touch with us via email at

Featured image adapted from COMPLAINT SINGAPORE on Facebook. 

Iqmall Hayat

“Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick? ” -Kevin Malone

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