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‘Kampung’ of cockroaches allegedly found in bag of fish at Korean mart in KL

‘Kampung’ of cockroaches allegedly found in bag of fish in Kuala Lumpur

A “whole kampung” of cockroaches was allegedly found by a Reddit user inside a bag of fish at a Korean mart in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Source: balistafear on Reddit

User balistafear shared the video on the platform on Saturday (3 August), which immediately caught the attention of concerned netizens.

They demanded the user to reveal the location of the cockroach-infested bag of fish, as the user initially withheld it.

Another user claimed the store in question was Galaxy Korean Mart in Galaxy Mall in Ampang, which the OP confirmed.

Cockroach-infested bag of fish found in Korean mart

According to the post, Balistafear went to a shop in KL earlier that day when the user saw the kampung of cockroaches.

The camera showed the chiller containing food and drinks before zooming in on the bag of fish at the very end.

Source: balistafear on Reddit

However, besides dried fish, a number of live cockroaches inside the bag can also be seen moving around in the bag.

Notably, the plastic bag also had a hole in it that was seemingly made by an insect.

The OP shared in a comment that, at the time, they could not believe what they were seeing and were “stunned” by the discovery.

Netizens express concern about food safety

Netizens were appalled at the sight, with many pointing out that there was a whole colony of cockroaches inside the bag.


Source: balistafear on Reddit

Some commenters told the OP to report it to the Ministry of Health as “people could get sick and die” from the food safety breach.

One user asked if the staff were aware of the situation, to which the OP replied, “The staff was next to the aisle, he saw me and left as I was walking along there.”

Source: balistafear on Reddit

However, a few jokingly quipped that the cockroaches are just “extra protein”.

Also read: SFA approves 16 species of insects for consumption in S’pore, including crickets & worms

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Featured image adapted from balistafear on Reddit

Kim Shelly Tan

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