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Lost dog seen running loose in Greenwood Ave dies after it was run over

Lost dog spotted running around in Greenwood Avenue dies after being run over by car

On 16 June, a Facebook user by the name of Adey Noor shared an encounter with an apparently lost dog.

In the post in the Facebook group Lost and found pets in Singapore, the dog was spotted wandering around Greenwood Avenue in Bukit Timah.

The user later updated the post saying the dog has died after reportedly being run over.

Lost dog found running loose around Greenwood Ave

Facebook user Adey Noor had reported that a lost medium-sized caramel coloured dog was seen running loose around Greenwood Avenue on Sunday (16 June) evening.

Source: Adey Noor on Facebook

The OP and her husband tried to catch the dog, but said it kept running away before going onto Dunearn Road and disappearing.

They requested that residents in the area help search for the dog.

Dog died from being run over

Later that same day, the OP said the dog was found. It had run in front of a car and was run over, said her post.

She also said she called Mobile Pet Cremation Services and it picked up the body at about 10.15pm.

Source: Adey Noor on Facebook

They’d be able to keep the dog for two days while she and her husband try to locate its owner, she added.

“Hopefully the boy is microchipped and we’ll be able to find the owner. I’ll contact nearby vets and groomers tomorrow in case they recognise the dog. Please keep spreading the word and help find the owner,” said the OP.


Source: Adey Noor on Facebook

She added that she had saved the contact information of the person who ran over the dog, the Mobile Pet Cremation Services staff who secured the body, and the lady who witnessed the accident.

Owner was finally found

On Monday (17 June), the OP updated that the owner of the dog has been found and thanked the people who helped spread the word.

Source: Adey Noor on Facebook

She added the family was abroad during the incident and were devastated to learn about their dog’s death.

The dog was revealed to be a three-year-old poodle-Irish setter mix named MacRitchie.

“He was a very sweet boy and much loved by his family. Rest in love, Mac,” said the OP.

Also read: Poodle seen running on CTE found by Animal Wellness Centre & reunited with owner

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Featured image adapted from Adey Noor on Facebook.

Thanawut Fasaisirinan

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