Our phones are our best friends these days, dishing out the latest information and breaking news the moment word starts spreading.
We have Telegram news channels for those, but what about essential information like transport updates?
Along comes the Land Transport Authority (LTA) with their own Telegram channel, which is tailor-made for information like the latest news about our land transport network, official updates about active mobility, roads and traffic-related information, and more.
With updates like the purchase of new MRT trains and buses, you’ll find everything you need to know at the swipe of a finger. Here’s what you can look forward to when you subscribe.
Now that news portals are on Telegram, we can be notified of the latest developments or events almost as soon as they happen.
Instead of just current affairs, you can now receive alerts the same way whenever LTA has transport updates.
Get exclusive, behind-the-scenes land transport updates from LTA’s Telegram channel, such as:
As Singapore becomes ever more interconnected, new MRT stations and transport hubs are being built in key locations to ease commutes.
Promising greater convenience, these facilities often have us eagerly anticipating the perks we’ll get to enjoy.
While your friends wait for news reports to be published, you can be the first to know about new bus or MRT services, as well as infrastructure, when you subscribe to LTA’s Telegram channel.
That way, the only ones who’ll be surprised will be your besties when they realise that you knew the updates even before they did.
Changes to bus routes or updates on early closures and late openings of MRT stations, for instance, will also be shared on the channel, so you won’t have to look them up yourselves if you’re pressed for time. With this useful information, planning your commute will be a breeze.
Those who drive their own vehicles will find the channel useful for roads-related updates like Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) rate changes and projects like the North-South Corridor.
With these deets at your fingertips, you’ll be able to adjust your routes accordingly and make it on time for your meetups with friends.
Those seeking some fresh air might want to consider jio-ing your friends for a weekend cycling trip.
Find out the best facilities and routes to explore via the Telegram channel, so you can plan your itinerary carefully.
LTA also shares new or revised regulations such as the Active Mobility guidelines, so you can impress your loved ones by explaining the safe usage of public paths.
If your weekend plans involve more brunches and shopping activities, something that could make commutes more exciting would be pretty trains and buses.
Squeal at sneak previews of themed vehicles for special occasions, so you and your BFFs can look forward to fun bus and MRT rides together.
Enjoying all the benefits of the channel is as easy as joining @LTASingapore on Telegram, if you’re already on the platform.
The online resource is absolutely free, providing you with the latest transport updates as and when they come up.
The updates won’t be too frequent, so don’t worry about receiving spammy notifications.
That said, you can keep up to date with the latest info by setting alerts, so you won’t miss anything new that LTA sends your way.
Simply check the channel anytime, anywhere, and find out about bus, MRT, as well as roads or traffic-related updates as soon as they’re out, so you can enjoy smoother travels.
This post was brought to you in collaboration with the Land Transport Authority (LTA).
Featured image by MS News and courtesy of LTA.
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