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63-year-old man found dead in Hougang flat, son didn’t see him for 3 days

Man was found dead on the floor in toilet of Hougang flat, bleeding from his head

When a man who lived under the same roof as his 63-year-old father didn’t see him for three days, he didn’t think much of it.

He only realised something was wrong when he detected a foul smell in the Hougang flat.

His father was eventually found dead in the toilet, lying on the floor bleeding from his head.

Man found dead in Block 109 Hougang Ave 1

The grim discovery of the man’s body in the Hougang flat took place on Thursday (23 May) afternoon, reported Shin Min Daily News.

It was made in a unit of Block 109 Hougang Avenue 1.

Source: Google Maps

Residents had alerted the paper to the presence of police vehicles and a black police hearse in the carpark next to the block.

Last time son saw his father alive was on 20 May

The deceased was a 63-year-old man who lived in a three-room flat with his son, a 41-year-old cleaner.

The son told Shin Min that his mother had passed away last year and his father usually stayed in his room, rarely coming out.

The last time he saw his father alive was on Monday (20 May) at about 8pm, when the older man left his room to get some food and went back in again.

Though he didn’t see his father again for three days, he didn’t suspect anything was wrong.


Son detects foul odour coming from father’s room

However, on Thursday (23 May) at about 4.40pm, the son woke up from a nap and smelt a pungent and unpleasant odour coming from his father’s room.

Initially, he thought their cat had died, but the feline was alive and in the living room.

He then realised something was wrong but received no response when he knocked repeatedly on the door of his father’s room.

After calling relatives to come over, they had to look for the key to his father’s locked door first.

Man found dead on floor of Hougang flat’s toilet

When the son finally entered the room, he found that there was nobody lying on the bed.

He then looked inside the toilet and found his father lying on his side on the floor.

The elderly man was bleeding from his head, and there were some maggots surrounding the wound.

They called an ambulance and the body was taken away at about 9pm.

Foul play not suspected

In response to queries from MS News, the Singapore Police Force (SPF) said they were alerted to an unnatural death at about 5.05pm on 23 May.

A 63-year-old man was found lying motionless at a residential unit in Block 109 Hougang Avenue 1 and was pronounced dead at the scene, SPF added.

Foul play is not suspected, based on police preliminary investigations, which are ongoing.

Also read: 70-year-old man found dead in Bukit Merah flat, recently told neighbours to take care

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Featured image adapted from Shin Min Daily News and Google Maps.

Jeremy Lee

Analog person making do with a digital world.

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