Man Subjects Girlfriend To Torture After Accusing Her Of Theft, Gets Almost 14 Years’ Jail

Man Accuses Girlfriend Of Stealing From Him & Subjects Her To Torture

When conversations get heated and emotions run high, people might commit heinous deeds impulsively.

In 2018, a man thought his girlfriend stole from him. Angered, he hit her and forcibly inserted foreign objects into her body.

On Monday (4 Oct), the 32-year-old man was sentenced to 13 years, 7 months, and 92 days’ jail, as well as 12 strokes of the cane.

Man inserted foreign objects in girlfriend to torture her

On 19 Nov 2018, the man accused his girlfriend of stealing things from his flat, such as an electric scooter and a power bank.

According to Channel NewsAsia (CNA), his girlfriend denied the allegations, but this only angered the man and his cousin, with whom he shared the flat.

The pair slapped and kicked her till her shirt was torn, and she sustained a head laceration. That’s when she said she had $300 in her account.

The boyfriend then led her to the bathroom under the guise of cleaning blood off her face. Instead, he pulled and cut her hair with a pair of scissors.

Moments later, he asked his girlfriend if she would like to “put things” inside her, threatening her life if she did not allow him to do so.

Out of fear, she complied. The man pulled her clothes down and inserted a whiteboard marker as well as a cylindrical battery into her rectum.

The court later heard that he wanted to subject her to a form of sexual torture. Throughout this time, the man’s cousin sat on a bed and watched the incident play out.


Man & cousin beat victim up

The victim said she was in intense pain, and the man asked her to go to the bathroom to remove the items.

But she was unable to remove the battery.

Following that, the man instructed her to cover the injuries on her face with some makeup. He also handed her a jacket and a clothing item to cover her head.

At about 2.45pm, the 3 of them went to a nearby bank, and the men realised the victim’s bank account was empty.


They went to a bus stop close by and assaulted her in return. According to CNA, that’s when the man forcibly removed the victim’s jacket and exposed her bra.

A passer-by heard her screams for help and called the police.

Both the man and his cousin were then arrested, and the victim was conveyed to a hospital.

She was hospitalised for 3 days, having sustained the following injuries:

  • 4cm-long head laceration
  • bruise on scalp
  • foreign object in her that was removed at the emergency department

Was out on bail when incident occurred

In a separate incident, the man admitted to 1 count of criminal intimidation against his uncle.

He was in dispute with his relatives over them pestering his mother to engage a lawyer to settle the sale of a late relative’s property.

The man then threatened his uncle on Facebook on 20 Jul 2018. He shared a picture of 2 flick knives with a caption that said, “You die I die… you arrogant you die”.

CNA reported that his uncle then lodged a police report.

The man was charged for the offence and was out on bail when he assaulted his girlfriend.

Sentenced to almost 14 years’ jail

The man had a list of previous convictions that included theft, housebreaking, sexual penetration of a minor, and voluntarily causing hurt.

He was also incarcerated previously, and his lawyer sought a lower sentence, citing an adjustment disorder after prison.

The judge pointed out the humiliation the victim suffered. He continued that the man showed no evidence of rehabilitation prospects.

On Monday (4 Oct), the 32-year-old was sentenced to 13 years, 7 months, and 92 days’ jail and 12 strokes of the cane.


Meanwhile, his cousin was sentenced to 12 months’ jail for his involvement.

Hope victim gains closure

During the man’s sentencing, the judge expressed hope for the man to reflect and adopt a path where he doesn’t resort to violence or cause harm and misery to people in his life and himself.

We can’t imagine the pain, heartbreak, and humiliation the victim suffered.

Hopefully, as this case comes to a close, she will gain closure and heal from it.

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Featured image adapted from Google Maps.

Sabrina Seng

Sabrina is always facing some form of existential crisis but other than that, she's pretty chill.

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