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M’sian Man Killed By Exploding Package Left On Car, Police Investigating Case As Murder

Malaysian Man Passes Away From Serious Injuries After Holding Exploding Package Left On Car

When most people see an unknown package lying on their car, the first thing they would do it pick it up.

Unfortunately, that may not be a good idea.

In a shocking incident in Malaysia, 28-year-old man was killed by an exploding package that was left on his car.

Source: Facebook

The police are investigating the incident as a case of murder.

Package believed to have exploded when man was holding it

In a statement posted on Facebook on Friday (30 Dec), the Ampang Jaya Division of the Malaysian Police said they received a call from the public at about 8.55pm on Thursday (29 Dec).

It was about an explosion that took place outside a restaurant in Pandan Indah, located in Ampang Jaya town in Selangor state.

A 28-year-old man had found a package placed on his Toyota Corolla Altis.

The item is believed to have exploded while he was holding it.

Source: Polis Daerah Ampang Jaya Page on Facebook

Victim suffered serious injuries on body & hands

The victim suffered serious injuries on his body and hands, the police said.

He was sent to Ampang Hospital by members of the public.


Sadly, he was pronounced dead at 9.45pm that night.

Chemical stains, other objects found at scene

Based on the police’s preliminary investigations, traces of chemicals were found on the victim’s car after the blast, which caused the front section to catch fire.

Source: Facebook

According to photos of the car, the stains covered half its bonnet and part of the windshield.

Some objects believed to be part of the explosive were also found near the scene, the police told the New Straits Times (NST).

Source: Polis Daerah Ampang Jaya Page on Facebook

The police also told Sin Chew Daily News that many knife fragments were found in the package.

The force of the blast would have caused the victim’s body to be pierced by the knives, leading to his serious injuries.

Exploding package directed at man who was killed: Police

The placement of the package wasn’t random, the police said, believing that it was a hit directed at the man.

The motive for the killing is uncertain, though.

While the incident is still under investigation, the police are investigating it under Section 302 of the Penal Code — i.e., murder.

Victim worked hard to pay father’s medical bills

The victim was a cook named Zhu Lingfeng, reported Sin Chew.

Five of his family members arrived at the hospital to collect his remains on Friday (30 Dec).

They will be brought to his hometown in Penang for the funeral.

According to a friend of the victim, the deceased had gone to Kuala Lumpur to earn money for his father’s medical bills.

The woman told Sin Chew that Mr Zhu was the youngest son of the family, and worked two jobs as a waiter and cook, sometimes slogging for three weeks without a break.

He’d hoped to earn enough so his father could have an operation quickly.

MS News sends our deepest condolences to the family of the deceased. May they find out how the incident happened and get closure soon.

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Featured image adapted from Polis Daerah Ampang Jaya Page on Facebook and Sin Chew Daily News.

Jeremy Lee

Analog person making do with a digital world.

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