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14-Year-Old Boy Helps Out At Mother’s Toa Payoh Drinks Stall After School, Gives Mum A Break

14-Year-Old Boy Helps Out At Mother’s Drink Stall After School

At just 14 years old, Fang Defu has already mastered the art of brewing coffee and tea.

He diligently lends a hand to his mother at her drinks stall every day after school.

In a recent interview with Lianhe Zaobao, the youth expressed his desire to give her a well-deserved break whenever he could.

Fang has also registered as a hawker assistant, proving both his passion for the craft and his dedication to supporting his mother’s business.

The drinks stall is located at Toa Payoh Lorong 8 Market & Hawker Centre.

Teenager cycles from school to drinks stall daily

Fang cycles his way to the stall after wrapping up his school day at Guangyang Secondary School.

On weekdays, his work hours typically begin at 2.30pm, and he reaches home around 8pm.

Despite the demanding schedule, Fang revealed that he manages to complete his homework, albeit feeling fatigued after the day’s toil.

He works hard to support his mother who he noted was advancing in age.

Has been helping out at drinks stall since Primary 3

As it turns out, Fang’s involvement at the drinks stall is not a recent development.


According to Lianhe Zaobao, he has been actively assisting at the stall since the tender age of nine, back when he was just a Primary Three student.

His mother, 41-year-old He Rubi, brought Fang to the stall almost daily as no one was at home to care for him.

The drinks stall became his second home as he was there almost all the time.

Rather than merely accompanying his mother, Fang productively used his time at the stall.

When Fang was in Primary Four, he grasped the intricacies of the craft as he learned to brew beverages such as coffee and tea.

Handles customer interactions like a pro

With years of experience under his belt, Fang now handles customer interactions with finesse.

Whether greeting customers or handling transactions with ease, his poised manner exudes a “young boss” charm.

Moreover, he can also brew an array of beverages that will cater to your unique drinks stall order.

In particular, Lianhe Zaobao highlighted Fang’s sensitivity and support for the recent measure by the Health Promotion Board (HPB), which encourages food and beverage operators to default to less-sugar options.

Fang is thus considering displaying notices to indicate that the stall’s beverages would be served with less sugar.

Dreams of opening a buffet restaurant

The teenager’s aspirations do not stop there.

Fang envisions opening a buffet restaurant in the future, where customers can relish Vietnamese cuisine.

Motivated by his mother’s Vietnamese heritage, he proudly spoke about her expertise in crafting mouthwatering dishes with a fusion of Vietnamese and local flavours, such as coffee puddings.

Fang dreams of carving out a dedicated space in the restaurant where his mother can showcase her dessert-making skills.

Also read: 12-Year-Old Boy Cooks & Cleans At Parents’ Restaurant In China, Wants To Alleviate Their Burden

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Featured image adapted from Lianhe Zaobao

Amber Ang

Amber is an unapologetic fangirl and a huge Swiftie.