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Motorcyclist and pillion rider conveyed to hospital after crashing into car at MacPherson junction

Motorcyclist and pillion crash into car at MacPherson junction

On Saturday (22 June), the SG Road Vigilante – SGRV Facebook page posted a video of an accident involving multiple motorists at a MacPherson junction.

A car was attempting to cross the busy junction when it failed to notice a motorcycle heading towards it.

The two vehicles then collide with each other, flinging the motorcyclist and pillion rider from the bike.

The two were conveyed to the hospital, and the driver is currently assisting the police with investigations.

Motorcyclist and pillion rider crash into car

According to SGRV, the incident occurred at the junction of MacPherson Road and Aljunied Road on Saturday (22 June) at 3.09pm.

Among the sea of vehicles, the car was seen crossing the busy junction at the discretionary right turn.

Source: SG Road Vigilante – SGRV on Facebook

In doing so, the driver seemingly failed to notice the motorcycle riding in the opposite direction.

The motorcyclist and pillion rider were then subsequently flung from the bike after crashing into the car.

Source: SG Road Vigilante – SGRV on Facebook

The driver and passengers in the car, along with other onlookers, rushed to check on the fallen motorists, after which the clip ended.


Two conveyed to hospital

In response to queries from MS News, the Singapore Police Force (SPF) and Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) stated they were alerted to the accident at around 3.10pm the same day.

The 39-year-old motorcyclist and 19-year-old pillion rider were conscious when conveyed to Tan Tock Seng Hospital.

SPF also added that the 61-year-old car driver is currently assisting the police with ongoing investigations.

Also read: 2 motorcyclists sent to hospital after accident with trailer on AYE, driver arrested

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Featured images adapted from SG Road Vigilante – SGRV on Facebook

Dhanya Vimalan

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