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Vicious T-Bone Car Accident At Moulmein Road Injures 3, Narrowly Avoids Pedestrian On Road Divider

3 Injured After Taxi T-Bones Car At Moulmein Road, Narrowly Misses Pedestrian

In a horrific accident at Novena on Sunday (17 Sep), a taxi drove onto Moulmein Road at full speed and collided viciously with a black car, sending it spinning onto a road divider and throwing up a cloud of dust.

The car narrowly missed a pedestrian on the divider, who fell over from shock.

The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) transported three injured motorists to local hospitals.

Taxi hurtles full speed onto Moulmein Road

A video uploaded to Facebook page showcased the shocking accident.

It took place yesterday (17 Sep) sometime around 2pm on Moulmein Road, Novena.

The rear-facing camera of a car captured footage of a woman on the grassy road divider between both directions of the road.

She walked along the divider, away from the camcar, while numerous cars passed. Presumably, she was waiting for a safe time to cross the road.

Source: on Facebook

Everything seemed fine so far. The cars did not drive at dangerous speeds.

Suddenly, out of absolutely nowhere, a red Trans-cab taxi hurtles out of Mandalay Road.


Despite the two roads being perpendicular to each other, the taxi showed no sign of slowing down. At full speed, it T-bones a black car on the lane closest to the divider.

Source: on Facebook

Black car sent spinning onto road divider

The taxi careens straight over the grassy divider and onto the opposite road.

Source: on Facebook

Meanwhile, the black car is sent spinning onto the road divider. It narrowly misses a tree and its wheels kick up a massive obscuring brown cloud of soil.

The car spins towards the pedestrian, who attempts to flee but falls over onto her chest. A chunk of metal debris shoots past her inches away, barely missing.

Source: on Facebook

Thankfully, we are spared a gruesome scene as the black car comes to a halt as well before it makes contact with the woman.

She then turns to sit up, mercifully unharmed but definitely shaken. The brown cloud of dust continues to scatter itself across the road.

Source: on Facebook

Three injured in crash

The Straits Times (ST) and TODAY both reported that the police identified three casualties in the Moulmein Road collision.

A 61-year-old man was driving the black car, which was carrying a 45-year-old passenger. Meanwhile, the 68-year-old taxi driver was the sole occupant of the vehicle.

The SCDF found all three injured but conscious, taking two of them to Tan Tock Seng Hospital and the third to Singapore General Hospital.

The taxi driver is cooperating with police in investigations. It is not clear what caused his car to travel full speed onto Moulmein Road.

For such a terrifying collision, it is very fortunate that no one died, especially the unprotected pedestrian.

Last month, a McLaren was badly wrecked in an accident with a taxi that left one injured.

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Feature image adapted from on Facebook.

Ethan Oh

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