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‘Suddenly very hot’: Commuters in M’sia stunned after their train comes real close to building on fire

Train in M’sia leaves commuters stunned after passing by building on fire

Passengers in an LRT train in Malaysia were shocked when their train came really close to a blazing building.

A XiaoHongShu user, 吧啦啦, posted a 3-second video of a burning building — an unexpected sight that had shocked the passengers in the train.

Source: 吧啦啦 on XiaoHongShu

In the caption, the netizen recounted first spotting flames from the building while riding the train from Pudu to Chan Sow Lin in Kuala Lumpur at 8.13pm on Tuesday (18 June).

“When I was standing and holding the handrail, I suddenly saw a flash of red from the opposite side,” said the caption.

“I could only watch the fire getting closer and closer to us.”

The netizen added that the train suddenly heated up in as they approached the fire. Frightened, the passengers stood up immediately.

The netizen managed to take a brief video of the sight while the train was travelling past it.

“The fire and the LRT were very close, and it was scary. Watch the video and you should know the feeling,” 吧啦啦 said.

Fire raged through Jalan Pudu and destroyed homes

According to the New Straits Times, 25 personnel had been deployed to the scene in Jalan Pudu after the fire department received a call at 8.04pm.

The fire completely destroyed six squatter houses and severely damaged another; it also completely destroyed the second level of a two-storey shophouse, said the fire department’s senior operations commander, Logeswaran Lavan.


Three cars and three motorcycles were also destroyed, but no casualties were reported. The cause of the fire is still being investigated.

Also read: Fire breaks out at Genting Highlands, thick smoke engulfs First World Hotel

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Featured image adapted from 吧啦啦 on XiaoHongShu and klia2 info.

Thanawut Fasaisirinan

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