UPDATE (24 March, 6.25pm): In response to MS News’ queries, Koufu said it had told its factory to conduct an immediate investigation but they did not find anything that resembled the foreign object on the premises. Nevertheless, it compensated two of the customer’s medical bills and gave her S$100 in Koufu vouchers.
As for her third bill, the TCM doctor’s memo stated that she had “neck pain while carrying heavy load at home”. Koufu has told her that it did not specify that her sprain was related to the incident, it said, adding:
“We have also conveyed to the customer that if there are other compensation requests related to this incident, we will seek our insurance agency to review the claims.”
Expecting to bite into a tasty, soft cake from the Koufu food court in Waterway Point, a woman instead bit into a rusty nail, she said.
While the manager of the food court agreed to pay her medical expenses, she suffered a stiff neck and other ailments after the unfortunate chomp, she told Shin Min Daily News.
Source: Google Maps
The 36-year-old woman, named only as Ms Rong (transliterated from Mandarin), told Shin Min that she visited the food court in Punggol on 14 March at about 3pm.
That day, her husband paid S$1.30 for a slice of walnut cake wrapped in packaging from the drink stall.
When she took a bite of the cake, she felt an object in her mouth and spat it out.
That was when she realised she’d bitten into a rusty nail.
Source: Shin Min Daily News
Ms Rong immediately reported the matter to the manager, who offered her a refund for the cake and a free bowl of dessert.
He also said she could see a doctor at a nearby clinic and claim compensation for her medical fees.
At the clinic, she was given a tetanus shot, which cost S$105.
She returned to the food court with the receipt and the manager paid out the sum on the spot.
Source: Shin Min Daily News
However, Ms Rong said her head and body started to hurt, and her neck began to feel stiff.
She thus saw a doctor again on 16 March and was charged about S$112.
According to the receipt she got from the clinic, she was prescribed medicine for headache, cold and allergies.
She went back to the food court, and the manager agreed to pay her bill again.
However, he said that she should email Koufu directly for any future claims as he could not accept any more.
Subsequently, Koufu contacted Ms Rong via email, offering her a S$100 voucher.
It also deeply apologised for her negative experience.
It said she could collect the voucher at the food court in Waterway Point. She confirmed to Shin Min that she had collected it.
Source: Christy Park on YouTube
But on 18 March, Ms Rong sprained her neck while she was buying groceries, she said.
As she suffered a stiff neck after biting into the nail, she concluded that her sprain was also due to that experience.
This time, she went to the Chinese doctor, who administered acupuncture, a massage and prescribed medicine.
She paid a total of S$126 and emailed the receipt to Koufu but has yet to receive a reply from them, she added.
She told Shin Min that the series of “after effects” had cropped up after she bit into the nail, so she felt that Koufu should foot the bill for the Chinese doctor as well.
Ms Rong said she had not gone to work for a week, being afraid to move her neck abruptly.
This discomfort started only after she bit into the nail, she added.
She felt better after the massage by the Chinese doctor, who said a follow-up visit might be needed.
Moreover, she is still afraid of eating cake from that brand, and will pay more attention next time, she said.
MS News has reached out to Koufu for more information on the incident.
Also read: 13-year-old almost chokes on ‘rusty nail’ from Bedok mixed rice stall
Have news you must share? Get in touch with us via email at news@mustsharenews.com.
Featured image adapted from Shin Min Daily News and Google Maps.
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