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NUS Engages In Damage Control, Sends Email To Alumni Assuring Action

NUS President & Chairman Send ‘Damage Control’ Email To Alumni

In light of the recent National University of Singapore (NUS) peeping tom saga, NUS President Mr Tan Eng Chye sent an email out today (23 Apr) to the school alumni, assuring everyone that the university is looking seriously into the matter.

The email also contained a letter from NUS Chairman Hsieh Fu Hua. Mr Hsieh writes that the school will be convening a committee to review the current disciplinary proceedings.

The committee will comprise professors from the other local universities, university board members and student representatives from the NUS Students’ Union.

The Chairman also reiterated the sense of urgency with which the university will be carrying out its reviews.

Board member Mdm Kuok to chair committee

Leading the committee will be member of NUS’s Board of Trustees Mdm Kay Kuok. The final section of the email provides some background information on Mdm Kuok. Probably to lend credence to the university’s decision to put her in-charge.

In case you didn’t know, Mdm Kuok is the niece of billionaire business magnate Mr Robert Kuok.

Creating a safer NUS

The seeming urgency comes as many expressed their displeasure with the university’s earlier statement.


Just yesterday (22 Apr), Education Minister Ong Ye Kung weighed in and assured the public that he has spoken to the university heads, and that tougher stands will be taken.

Hopefully, the reviewing process will effect good, lasting change in the system so nothing like this will happen again.

Featured image from MS News.

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