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NUS Graduate Who Held Anti-Death Penalty Sign Faces No Charges, Only Receives Police Advisory

NUS Graduate Who Held Anti-Death Penalty Sign Faces No Police Charges

Singapore’s death penalty has come under great scrutiny in the past months.

Earlier this year, a National University of Singapore (NUS) graduate held up an anti-death penalty sign during their convocation on stage.

While the activism got the attention they wanted, the school clarified that the ceremony was “not a forum for advocacy”, and a police report was made.

After months of investigations, the graduate shared that they will not face any charges on 6 Sep.

However, they received a stern warning to “refrain from such conduct”.

Police warn NUS graduate to refrain from such conduct in the future

In a series of tweets shared on Tuesday (6 Sep) evening, Luke, who prefers using they/them pronouns, announced on Twitter that the police would not take any further action against them for their protests.

According to the police advisory Luke received, the decision was reached after careful consideration of the facts and circumstances of the case, and in consultation with the Attorney-General’s Chambers.

Source: Twitter

However, the police advised Luke to refrain from such conduct in the future.

NUS graduate speculates reasons behind police’s decision

In the tweet, Luke described the police’s advice as a “metaphorical finger-wag”, theorising different reasons the police did not pursue the matter any further.


It was speculated that the auditorium was a private location, and attendees were only there by invite-only.

Source: Twitter

The location of the incident was also entirely indoors, citing the law on public assembly in Singapore.

Will continue fighting against death penalty

Luke shared that as they waited for a verdict, the months between their protest and this police advisory were filled with anxiety.

However, they stated that they had no regrets about what they did and thanked their lawyer for helping them navigate the legal jargon.

Following this latest development, Luke said they would continue to advocate for abolishing the death penalty.

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Featured image adapted from @AngMohSnowball on Twitter & Twitter.

Iqmall Hayat

“Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick? ” -Kevin Malone

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