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Album Of Old Bedok Bus Interchange Goes Viral, Brings Back Childhood Memories For Easties

Photos Of Old Bedok Bus Interchange Go Viral

As Singapore continues to develop, many landmarks that residents hold dear are being torn down or rebuilt.

Recently, a photo album of the old Bedok bus interchange went viral on Facebook.

Source: Uncover65 – Explore Singapore on Facebook

Prompted by the nostalgic images, many looked back on their carefree days as schoolchildren around the heartland.

Album depicts a simpler Singapore

The Uncover65 – Explore Singapore Facebook page uploaded the album earlier this month on 5 Apr.

The caption describes the photos as capturing Bedok in its “heyday”.

Indeed, the photos depict a Bedok interchange from a time long gone with its iconic round yellow signages.

Source: Uncover65 – Explore Singapore on Facebook

In fact, some of the photos had been taken when passengers still had to queue in the open air.

Source: Uncover65 – Explore Singapore on Facebook

Apart from the bus interchange itself, there are also photos of the surrounding landmarks from about 15 years ago.

Some may remember the sheltered walkway leading from the interchange to the MRT station.

Source: Luc Melgar on Flickr

They may even recall buying roasted chestnuts from the uncle’s old-school kiosk along the way.


Others may also look back fondly on the cheap eats at the hawker centre nearby.

Source: Luc Melgar on Flickr

Many look back on their time at Bedok bus interchange

Responding to the nostalgic photos, many east-siders remembered taking the bus to school from the old interchange.

Source: Facebook

One Facebook user even remembered the Hollywood dessert stall in the nearby hawker centre.

Meanwhile, another netizen went so far as to list down all the prominent landmarks they could remember around the area.

Source: Facebook

Additionally, the images prompted one commenter to time travel all the way back to the 1980s when the interchange was “spanking new”.

Source: Facebook

They shared that instead of NTUC Fairprice, the supermarket at the time was Fitzpatrick’s — a chain that no longer exists in Singapore.

Photos keep memories of old landmarks alive

Thankfully, residents can still reminisce about the good old days through photos such as the above.

For those who lived and grew up in the east, the Bedok bus interchange was definitely a hub for the community.

Did these photos take you back to a simpler time? What sort of memories come to mind? Let us know in the comments.

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Featured image adapted from Uncover65 – Explore Singapore on Facebook.

Dayana Rizal

Dayana needs coffee, all the time. She takes daily dopamine-breaks in the sun.

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