S’pore Podcast Gives Workplace Insights, So You Can Master HR Stuff Like Asking For A Raise

One Eye Deer Explores Workplace Insights To Grow Your Career & Business

When we ask people how to be successful, we can expect common answers like being passionate, thinking outside the box, and working hard.

But whether you’re a business owner or a salary earner, one of the most overlooked aspects of this is knowing how to market yourself so that people know your presence and, ultimately, your value.

If this is news to you, it’s best to get a headstart before getting to the next level. Enter the One Eye Deer podcast, which explores powerful ideas, from helping entrepreneurs market their businesses digitally, to giving employees the courage to seek a raise.

To get a better idea of what the podcast offers, we’ll let you in on the secrets shared in one of its popular episodes: How To Ask For A Raise Successfully?

Salary raise comes from value & not loyalty

So, you’ve been feeling strongly about deserving a raise. Perhaps you’ve been clocking the hours required in your current position for the last 2 years or taking on tasks out of your job description.

If it’s the former, the One Eye Deer podcast’s second episode will give you a reality check — the time spent at your company doesn’t automatically mean you deserve a raise.

Bosses look for value brought to the company, such as your quality of work, productivity, efficiency, and contribution. To put it simply, solving problems actively, and not being part of the problem, will put you in better stead for seeking a raise.

Take some time to document and make a case for your contributions to the company, down to the dollars and cents if possible, to show your worth.


This information will be more effective in helping you gauge your value to the company and determining how much of a raise to ask.

How to set yourself for a raise

While that goes for the communication aspect, the podcast also delves into how to position yourself for a raise.

Firstly, examine your job scope and look for ways to make tangible improvements. This can be done in many ways by increasing sales, reducing mistakes and improving efficiency.


Secondly, improve yourself and increase your value. Although this is easier said than done, with most of our time spent at work, it is an essential requirement. With how rapidly the world around us evolves, we must keep up with the times to remain competent and relevant.

Thirdly, take some time to sit back and understand how your company works.

The better you understand your company, its customers and operations, the better you know how your role fits.

Lastly, the podcast hammers on the need to make connections with those who are in similar roles in your industries. Share best practices and learn from one another so that you can borrow the good habits to become better at your job.

While these ideas mainly apply to salarymen, the podcast also details how an entrepreneur can justify an increase in the selling price.

The best time for entrepreneurs to raise selling prices

To answer this, entrepreneurs should reframe their question to: “Why do you deserve to raise your price, whether you’re selling a product or service?”

Some of the first few reasons that come to mind may be reasonable from a business perspective, such as the rise in the cost of goods.

However, in marketing, entrepreneurs should always see things from a customer’s point of view. This may sound harsh, but honestly speaking, customers can’t fully empathise if your operational struggles. They’re more preoccupied with getting what they paid for, fast.

Hence, the only reasonable justification for asking for more money from a customer’s point of view is if they can get more value at a higher price.

Tune in to the podcast to discover some ideas business owners can explore to ask for more money.

One Eye Deer podcast airs every Wednesday

The One Eye Deer podcast is an audio-only show that explores one powerful marketing tool in every episode, all under an hour.

Picking the brain of J C Sum, an expert in marketing management with 25 years of experience, he shares key strategies and tips that will help business owners, salespeople, marketers, and even regular employees advance in life.

Image courtesy of Evolve & Adapt

He’ll also touch upon his journey behind creating a 7-figure company in under 2 years.

You can listen to Episode 2: When To Ask For More Money below:

The show premieres every Wednesday, and listeners can tune in on Spotify, YouTube, Apple and Google Podcasts. You can listen to the rest of the One Eye Deer episodes here.

Empower yourself or your business by knowing your value

The jobs and business market in Singapore is a competitive place. Even if we have the necessary experience and capabilities, we have to channel our inner salesperson at some point in our lives to get noticed.

All you need to do is find out the needs of your company or your target market and position yourself to meet their demands.

Once you start thinking about your value proposition, the next step is to express them to the right people to bring you to greater heights.

This post was brought to you in collaboration with Evolve & Adapt.

Featured image by MS News.

Iqmall Hayat

“Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick? ” -Kevin Malone

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