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Otters wander into People’s Park Centre, NParks officers relocate them to nearby drain

Otters wander into People’s Park Centre

The shops at People’s Park Centre in Chinatown met a surprising group of visitors on Monday (20 May) when three otters were spotted wandering into the complex.

The otters reportedly walked into an Erawan shrine shop and visited a travel agency, where they were later locked up.

Source: @kekjoonkee on Tiktok

While locked inside the travel agency office, NParks officers finally came and took them away from the scene.

The otters were afterwards relocated to a nearby waterway.

Three otters swagger into Peopke’s Park Centre

At around 4pm on Monday, three wet otters were spotted entering and wandering around People’s Park Center in Chinatown. Tiktok user @kekjoonkee captured the surprise visit of these four legged creatures in a Tiktok video.

In the video, the three otters can be seen wandering together and stopping by some shops along the way, including an Erawan shrine shop and a travel agency.

An employee of the shrine shop told Lianhe Zhaobao that he had been away when the otters came to the store, later finding the store wet with many animal paw prints, leaving him confused.

The otters attracted the attention of shoppers in the complex, with many following the animals as they next entered the travel agency office.

Once inside, “some member of the public closed the doors” to prevent them from coming out and for authorities to capture them easily.


Source: @kekjoonkee on TikTok

According to Lianhe Zaobao, the otters became frightened and started turning the office into a mess.

They can be seen climbing on desks and scattering documents and items on the floor. But one of them was seen sleeping in a cabinet.

The situation went on for two hours before NParks personnel finally showed up, placed them in a cage, and took them away.

NParks staff relocates otters to a nearby waterway

NParks told MS News in a statement that NParks officers along with the building management staff safely relocated the three otters into a nearby waterway.

Source: @kekjoonkee on TikTok

They also assured that they employed a method that integrates science and community involvement for managing otters in Singapore.

NParks, working with the Otter Working Group and otter watchers, consistently monitors the otter population to gain insights into their numbers, distribution, and movement. They also take proactive measures to prevent or resolve conflicts whenever possible.

NParks advised the public to maintain a safe distance from otters and to refrain from feeding, touching, chasing, cornering, or approaching them. Otters typically do not attack humans unless they feel threatened.

If you need assistance relating to otter sightings, you can reach out to NParks or call the Animal Response Centre helpline at 1800-476-1600.

Also read: Tapir Sighting Sign Spotted Along Punggol Park Connector, Public Advised To Keep Away From Animal

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Featured image adapted from @kekjoonkee on TikTok.

















Thanawut Fasaisirinan

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