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Pet dog in US runs more than 6km to get help for owner after his truck plunges into ravine

Pet dog in US runs 6.4km to get help for owner

A pet dog named Blue ran more than six kilometres to get help after its owner, 62-year-old Brandon Garrett, crashed his car into a ravine in Oregon on the evening of June 2.

According to a statement from the Baker County Sheriff’s Office, Mr Garrett was driving with his four dogs when he failed to navigate a curve and went over an embankment, falling into a deep ravine.

Source: USA Today

Thankfully, the whippet managed to find Mr Garrett’s friend, who alerted his family about the incident, reported The Straits Times (ST).

Dog owner fell into a deep ravine

After plummeting into the ravine, Mr Garrett survived the crash but was stranded in the ravine. He crawled 91 metres from his truck and spent the night near a creek.

As Mr Garrett and his other dogs were injured, Blue ran to the campsite where they had been before and where Mr Garrett was supposed to meet his friend.

The dog ran 6.4 kilometres and reached the campsite at 9.30am. According to ST, it did so even though it had glass in its snout.

Source: Baker County Sheriff’s Office on Facebook

Mr Garrett’s friend alerted his family about the incident and they began to search for him.

The family eventually located Mr Garrett and called the sheriff’s office as the difficult terrain prevented them from reaching him.

Emergency rescuers arrived and heard Mr Garrett calling out for help. They used chainsaws to clear a path, before pulling him from the ravine in a rescue basket connected to a rope system.

Dog owner sustained minor injuries

After receiving first aid, Mr Garrett was transported by ambulance to a helicopter, which flew him to a nearby hospital.


“He’s got a cracked ankle and his body itself is just really bruised and battered,” his brother, Tyree, told The New York Times.

The three other dogs traveling with Mr Garrett were also found alive near the crash site. One dog required surgery for a broken hip and had an injured femur, while another had a leg broken in two places.

Also read: Dog in South Korea treks 20km home to reunite with owner after going missing for 41 days

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Featured image adapted from USA Today, Baker County Sheriff’s Office on Facebook

Kim Shelly Tan

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