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PM Anwar urges PM Lawrence Wong to send S’pore educators to M’sia to teach English

PM Anwar proposes for Singapore educators to be sent to Malaysia to teach English

On Wednesday (12 June), Prime Minister (PM) Lawrence Wong met up with Malaysian PM Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim as part of his introductory visit to Malaysia.

Source: Prime Minister’s Office on YouTube

The pair held a press conference in Kuala Lumpur during which, PM Anwar shared the pair’s discussion about sending Singapore educators to Malaysia to teach English and other subjects.

The PMs also discussed ongoing issues including those concerning airspace and water.

PM Anwar ‘extremely pleased’ that PM Wong was willing to explore arrangement

During the conference, PM Anwar shared that he had spoken to PM Wong about sending these educators to several regions in Malaysia.

Moreover, he was “extremely pleased” that PM Wong was willing to explore the possibility of such an arrangement.

According to Malay Mail, Johor and Singapore are involved in an ongoing joint education project which involves the exchange of “programmes and teacher training.”

Both countries committed to resolving outstanding bilateral issues

During the press conference, PM Wong expressed confidence about the pair’s strategic approach for future engagements.

He also referenced “ideas” they discussed during their lunch as well as future ones that could strengthen both countries’ ties.

Additionally, PM Wong said he is looking forward to bilateral projects such as the Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone and the Johor Bahru-Singapore Rapid Transit Singapore Link.

PM Wong added that he discussed “outstanding” issues with his Malaysian counterparts during the meeting. These include issues concerning airspace, water, and maritime delimitation.


“While the issues are complex and may take some time to resolve, we are fully committed to managing them in a way that will enable our overall bilateral relationship to continue to flourish,” PM Wong said.

Anwar similarly suggested that these problems needed to be “resolved amicably”.

Also read: M’sia Govt looking at easing S’pore-JB cross-border travel, tackling flood issues: PM Anwar

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Featured image adapted from Prime Minister’s Office on YouTube

Amber Ang

Amber is an unapologetic fangirl and a huge Swiftie.

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