Nowadays, Singapore condominium names are getting more creative. Moving away from traditional words like ‘Suites’ or ‘Apartments’, they now boast unique titles.
Some might even argue they’re downright bizarre. Take Thr3e Thre3 Robin, for example.
And then, there are KTV names, which have dominated headlines more often than they should of late, no thanks to the KTV lounges/nightclubs cluster.
Seemingly inspired by the news, one netizen came up with a cleverly simple quiz to see if we can differentiate between KTVs and condominiums by name.
Based on your score, the quiz will even inform you if you’ve made your tiger parents shed a tear or made the Multi-Ministry Taskforce (MTF) proud.
Introducing the ‘KTV or Condo?’ quiz, which pits KTV names against condo names to see how well Singaporeans will fare.
The short 10-question test will show a name, and participants have to choose if they think the name belongs to a KTV or condo.
Some questions can be more challenging than others, like this one—KTV or Condo: Corona Ville?
If answered incorrectly, not to worry, the quiz will tell you it’s “wrong lah” and give you a short summary on the condo or KTV so you’ll know better next time.
Sometimes, they’ll even throw in some bonus puns that make l’viv more enjoyable.
At the end of your quiz, you will be informed how well you did in a truly Singaporean way — if you merely passed, you have disappointed your tiger parents.
80% is never good enough, but at least the MTF will be proud.
Getting 100% right will earn you high praises. Now you can smile to yourself knowing you have a firm grasp of “lupsup KTVs and terribly named condos”. Not sus at all.
While Singapore’s current Covid-19 situation is indeed worrying, it is in times like this that we could do with more joy and humour in our lives.
So why not try out this quiz for yourself and share it with your friends? You can check it out here.
How well did you fare on the quiz? Let us know in the comments down below.
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Featured image adapted from KTV or Condo.
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