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SAF doctor witnesses motorcyclist lying in blood along PIE, stops & provides treatment

SAF doctor provides treatment to injured motorcyclist on PIE

Last week, a doctor from the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) rushed to provide treatment to a man lying in a pool of blood on the Pan Island Expressway (PIE).

He had sustained a head wound after a traffic accident involving a car and motorcycle.

The doctor stopped his bleeding and stayed with him until Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) personnel arrived to take over.

SAF doctor spots motorcyclist in need of help after accident

According to a Facebook post by The Singapore Army, Captain (CPT) (Dr) Abigail Sim E Xuan was on her way home when she spotted the scene.

“From afar, I saw a wrecked car and motorcycle, with several uninjured people standing around,” she said, recounting the incident.

Source: The Singapore Army on Facebook

“However, as I drove past the accident site, I noticed a man lying sideways on the ground, in a pool of blood.”

A picture from The Singapore Army shows a car with a damaged rear end and a motorcycle flipped on its side.

Doctor rushed to provide aid

After spotting the injured man, the SAF doctor acted quickly and rushed to provide aid.

She first identified herself as a doctor, then proceeded to assess the man’s situation.

Using a first aid kit provided by a passerby, CPT (Dr) Sim staunched the bleeding from the man’s head wound.


She continued to stay with the man until SCDF arrived on the scene.

Source: The Singapore Army on Facebook

“I believe as medical professionals, that it is our second nature to offer assistance whenever we can,” said CPT (Dr) Sim in a statement on The Singapore Army’s Facebook post.

She also noted that although it was her first time attending to a road traffic accident, her training had given her the confidence to respond to any emergency.

CPT (Dr) Sim has been commended for her public-spiritedness in taking the initiative to help someone in need.

Also read: Elderly Woman Falls Off Bicycle On Road In Clementi, Army Officer Carries Her To Safety

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Featured image adapted from The Singapore Army on Facebook

Buranond Kijwatanachai

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