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Schoolboy Dashes Across Bedok South Road As Toyota Runs Red Light, Narrowly Avoids Car

Toyota Wish Runs Red Light, Nearly Hits Student At Bedok South Road

Road accidents can happen to anyone, even when one has the right of way.

On 24 Feb, a schoolboy almost got hit by a Toyota Wish at Bedok South Road.

He had dashed across the road at the pedestrian crossing when the traffic light for motorists turned red. However, the car apparently disregarded the red light and sped through it.

Dashcam footage of the near-miss was uploaded on SG Road Vigilante.

Boy dashes across road as pedestrian crossing light turned green, almost hit by Toyota

In the video of the incident, the schoolboy can be seen running across the road after the traffic light turned red. This also meant that the green man would’ve lit up, signalling for pedestrians to cross.

However, halfway across the road, he stopped quickly as a Toyota Wish suddenly sped past.

Source: SG Road Vigilante on Facebook

The incident unfolded so quickly that a pedestrian on the pavement cupped her mouth as though she had let out a gasp.

The boy was also visibly shaken by the near-miss as he stumbled slightly before hurrying back to the pavement.

The pedestrian then accompanied him across the road.


Source: SG Road Vigilante on Facebook

Be cautious when on the road

This near-miss is a timely reminder that it takes two hands to clap to ensure personal and road safety.

While motorists must abide by traffic rules, pedestrians should also ensure that cars have stopped entirely before crossing.

And PSA: drivers caught running a red light will get 12 demerit points and a fine of S$400 or S$500, depending on their vehicle type.

Those found guilty of dangerous driving will also face a fine of up to S$5,000, a jail sentence of up to 12 months, or both.

Have news you must share? Get in touch with us via email at

Featured image adapted from SG Road Vigilante on Facebook.

Ky-Lin Leong

Ky-Lin is a self-proclaimed adept multi-tasker who takes pride in being able to concurrently binge more than 6 dramas.

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