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SFA recalls roasted walnut products from China for presence of artificial sweeteners

SFA issues recall of products containing roasted walnuts from China for artificial sweeteners

On Friday (24 May), the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) issued a recall of Xiyuguoyuan Xinjiang Paper Roasted Walnut products from China.

The agency detected the presence of Cyclamate or Cyclamic Acid, and acesulfame-K sweeteners, the latter of which exceed permitted levels in the walnuts.

SFA has thus directed the importer, Hong Xin Da Pte Ltd, to recall the products, with the recall ongoing.

Roasted walnut products contain Cyclamate & acesulfame-K

In its press release dated 24 May, SFA attached images of the products, one of which weighs 500g.

Meanwhile, the other product recalled weighs 1kg.

It added that Cyclamate and acesulfame-K are permitted food additives used as artificial sweeteners.

They are approved for use in certain food products — soft drinks and canned fruits, for instance.

However, the use of Cyclamate is not allowed in walnuts, other nuts and seeds products.

Meanwhile, the Singapore Food Regulations only permit the use of acesulfame-K for nuts and seeds products up to a certain maximum limit.

Customers should avoid prolonged excessive consumption

SFA noted that there are no immediate health risks from consuming walnuts, other nuts and seeds products that contain Cyclamate and acesulfame-K.


Even so, consumers should avoid the prolonged excessive consumption of both sweeteners.

The agency added that it is taking a precautionary approach and conducting proactive sampling and testing of nuts and seeds products in Singapore at present.

It will initiate recalls of affected products with non-permitted sweeteners such as Cyclamate.

Additionally, it will recall products with excessive levels of permitted sweeteners such as acesulfame-K.

Those who have consumed the implicated products and have health concerns should seek medical advice, SFA added.

Customers can also contact their point of purchase for enquiries.

Also read: S’pore Brand Fails To Declare Gluten In Organic Mee Sua, SFA Issues Recall

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Featured image adapted from Singapore Food Agency.

Sudeshna Dhar

Sudeshna is a lover of all romcoms, especially Gone Girl (2014).

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