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Uncle From China Criticises Woman In Viral SGH Incident, Points Out Errors In Supporters’ Arguments

China Uncle Chides Woman In Viral SGH Incident, Exposes Problems In Her Arguments

A woman from China went viral after a video showed her arguing with an investigation officer (IO) at the Singapore General Hospital (SGH).

The woman, who has since been arrested, made multiple accusations towards the IO and SGH staff.

Amidst the many arguments that have emerged since, an uncle from China has criticised the woman and pointed out flaws in her argument.

He even insulted those supporting the woman, calling them “big babies” whining about perceived injustice.

Woman from China gets into heated exchange with IO

On 10 Oct, the involved 29-year-old woman, named Han Feizi, uploaded several videos taking place in SGH. In them, she claimed that a nurse refused to let her seek treatment for not being Singaporean.

She claimed to have a foot injury from a traffic accident. When speaking to a female IO, the woman proved uncooperative and even attempted to reveal the IO’s identification on her lanyard. This caused a heated exchange.

Source: Douyin

SGH later stated that the woman refused to wear a mask and acted aggressively against their staff.

The police charged her with numerous offences, including causing a public nuisance and using abusive language on a public servant.

China uncle criticises woman in SGH incident

The situation sparked heated debates in both Singapore and China. Some of the influencer’s supporters saw it as an injustice against a fellow citizen, demanding CCTV footage and questioning why the IO hid her identity.

One middle-aged uncle from China took to Douyin to lambast the woman and her supporters.


With a slight smile, he said that the situation made him realise that China had a lot of “big babies” and “fragile hearts”.

Source: 老导演的快乐生活 on Douyin

With regard to the calls to show the CCTV footage, he pointed out that many countries including Singapore, had restrictions on revealing CCTV footage. Only the police and other relevant agencies possessed the ability to reveal them.

Source: 老导演的快乐生活 on Douyin

He said that China was unique in how prevalent its surveillance systems are, and so the argument could not apply to other nations like Singapore.

Uncle points out errors in arguments from supporters of SGH woman

He then tackled the criticism of the IO not revealing her identification. On this front, he stated that in both China and Singapore, police officers do not allow people to film their identification.

He argued that the IO would have gladly shown her card if the woman had not been recording. But since she was filming, showing the IO’s identity on the Internet would be a security risk.

Source: 老导演的快乐生活 on Douyin

For his next point, he chided the influencer, saying that scolding others abroad was a big issue.

Source: 老导演的快乐生活 on Douyin

The uncle dismissed the loud claims online that Singapore discriminated against Chinese nationals. He accused the influencer’s supporters of making extreme claims of discrimination.

Furthermore, he alleged in an annoyed tone that in the modern day, few actually did so against Chinese people.

Source: 老导演的快乐生活 on Douyin

Calls the police reaction normal

The uncle then said that Singapore’s hospitals were the best in Asia. He strongly emphasised that many of them did not allow verbally abusing their staff.

“If you open your mouth and scold their employees, it’s normal and reasonable for their police to investigate and charge you,” he said. “Where did all these fragile people calling this prejudice come from?”

Source: 老导演的快乐生活 on Douyin

Lastly, he questioned if any of the supporters repeating her claims of not being allowed to see a doctor had actually heard the nurse say it.

If not, then they should stop blindly supporting someone just because they claim discrimination.

Source: 老导演的快乐生活 on Douyin

Reactions to the video from Singapore’s netizens proved positive. Comments applauded him for his reasonable and logical takes.

Source: Instagram

The reception from China’s own Internet users turned out to be more negative, however. One highly upvoted comment said, “Please stop leading public opinion, it’s certain that Singaporeans discriminate against mainland Chinese.”

Source: Douyin

Regardless of the online firefight, Channel NewsAsia (CNA) reported that the involved woman has apologised for her actions. Furthermore, she expressed intent to plead guilty in court.

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Featured image adapted from Douyin and 老导演的快乐生活 on Douyin.

Ethan Oh

Ethan will forget your name because his mind is already full with useless trivia.

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