Ng Eng Hen Quizzed About Role Of Shangri-La Dialogue, S’poreans Salute Minister’s Cheem Response

Response By Ng Eng Hen To Role Of Shangri-La Dialogue Praised By Netizens

Being a minister often entails being on the receiving end of difficult questions. Sometimes, these questions may concern sensitive and touchy subjects and test a minister’s ability to give a rational response while navigating such murky waters.

Recently during the Shangri-La Dialogue held in Singapore, Defence Minister Dr Ng Eng Hen was questioned by a Chinese official on the role of the annual security forum. The latter also pointed out some people’s view that the meeting is dominated by the US and its allies.

Despite the challenging question, Dr Ng gave a cheem but well-thought-out response which has since been widely praised by netizens.

Dr Ng asked by Chinese official about role of Shangri-La Dialogue

On Sunday (12 Jun), Dr Ng said China would have to decide for itself if engaging in events like the Shangri-La Dialogue “adds value”.

He was responding to a Chinese military official, who had wanted clarification on the role of the Shangri-La Dialogue.

Source: The International Institute for Strategic Studies on YouTube

The official, a member of China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA), had pointed out some differing views on the forum.

“Some view the Shangri-la Dialogue as positive thinking,” he said, “but there are negative views… (that) the Shangri-la Dialogue, as a forum, (is) dominated by the United States and its allies.”.

He also added that “the topics discussed often point to differences, rather than cooperation”.

In light of such negative opinions, the official asked Dr Ng and another penal member to clarify their views of the forum, especially in relation to the security of the Asia Pacific region.


Dr Ng says China must make its own decision

In his reply, Dr Ng pointed out the different natures of security forums that take place all over the world.

Source: The International Institute for Strategic Studies on YouTube

For instance, he said, the Xiangshan Forum in China also deals with Asian security and defence issues.

“Sometimes it’s a matter of taste,” he said, explaining that officials from PLA might find the dialogue “raucous”, “rambunctious”, and “discombobulating” — a view he said was “entirely understandable”.

On the other hand, Dr Ng also pointed out that there are also those who do not prefer forums which are too “structured” and “predictable”.

Dr Ng concluded his response by stressing that the decision to attend the Shangri-La Dialogue is something China must consider for itself.

Netizens praise Dr Ng’s response

Dr Ng’s response to the question has since gained significant attention from many netizens from Singapore.

Many praised Dr Ng for keeping his calm while replying to the official. In the view of this user, Dr Ng deserved kudos for not only speaking rationally but truthfully as well.

Source: Reddit

While Dr Ng’s response might be deemed too straightforward, some pointed out that it might be necessary to address more pertinent issues during the conference.

Source: Reddit

Kudos to Dr Ng for his well-thought-out response

It’s not easy to be grilled on such sensitive topics let alone on a prominent stage where one’s response can lead to complications for the country they’re representing.

Thankfully, it appears our ministers are up to the task of doing so, as this dialogue demonstrated.

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Featured image adapted from The International Institute of Strategic Studies on YouTube

Sudeshna Dhar

Sudeshna is a lover of all romcoms, especially Gone Girl (2014).

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