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S’pore Enters Phase 2 On 19 Jun, Dine-Ins & Groups Of 5 Allowed

Singapore Announces Phase 2 Starts From 19 Jun

The Ministry of Health (MOH) announced during a press conference on Monday (15 Jun) that Singapore will enter Phase 2 of its reopening on Friday (19 Jun).

Cases have largely remained under control since Phase 1 began on 1 Jun, said MOH.

As part of the gradual reopening of Singapore’s economy, dine-ins will be allowed at restaurants and gatherings of up to 5 people are allowed.


Dine-ins, social gatherings allowed

Here’s a list of what is permissible from Phase 2, according to MOH.

  • Shops can reopen physical outlets
  • Social gatherings of up to 5 people allowed
  • 5 visitors allowed in households
  • Dine-ins at restaurants and hawker centres allowed, with safe distancing enforced
  • Health and wellness places, including home-based services resume
  • Tuition and private enrichment classes resume — singing and voice training classes continue to be suspended
  • Clubs and societies can operate at physical premises
  • Healthcare services not already open will resume
  • Most places will reopen, such as playgrounds, beaches and sports facilities
  • Malls will have capacity limits
  • Up to 20 people can be at wakes and funerals. The upper limit is currently 10.
  • Face-to-face visitations at elderly residential facilities can resume, with precautions in place
  • All students will go back to school on 29 Jun, while institutes of higher learning will gradually increase students allowed on campus

This is what still isn’t permissible:

  • Religious congregations and services
  • Libraries and museums
  • Large-scale events
  • Entertainment outlets like bars, karaoke places, cinemas, theatres, clubs

This is a non-exhaustible list.

Safe distancing continues

There will be no group mixing, although there’s no requirement for people within the same group to safely distance.

If 1-metre safe distancing in the same group isn’t possible, then you’ll have to be 1 metre apart from other groups.

Work-from-home will also remain the default as far as possible, and those who are able to do so must continue with their current arrangement.


Only 4 days left until reunion and Phase 2

While entering Phase 2 is fantastic news, and everyone is excited, please don’t forget to take the proper measures.

You must still wear a mask, and sit apart at tables.

If Phase 2 goes badly and there’s a resurgence in community cases, we may revert to a ‘Circuit Breaker’, so we have to be careful from here.

But for now, let’s enjoy our freedom once Friday hits.

Featured image adapted from TheSmartLocal.

Jonathan Yee

Jonathan is a bedroom headbanger. His Kobo is never far from him.

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