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S’porean driver charged with murder in Australia after hitting & dragging cyclist

Singaporean man charged with murder in Australia

Last month, 27-year-old Singaporean Ng Jing Kai hit a cyclist in Perth, Australia, and dragged him under his car for over 30 metres.

The victim was taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead.

Ng has been accused of intentionally committing the fatal act after an investigation by the Western Australia Police Force (WAPF).

As a result of the incident, Ng was charged with murder.

Man allegedly intentionally hit & dragged cyclist for over 30 metres

On the afternoon of 24 May, Ng Jing Kai allegedly approached a 48-year-old cyclist regarding a property issue in Carlisle, a suburb of Perth.

He then hit the cyclist with his car and dragged him for a short distance, according to the Straits Times (ST).

Source: 9news

The victim was said to suffer from critical injuries after he was dragged by the vehicle for over 30 metres.

He was transported to Royal Perth Hospital where he later succumbed to the injuries.

The incident is suspected to be a case of vigilantism.

After being investigated by the police, Ng was charged with one count of murder on 24 May.


According to ST, Detective Inspector David Gorton from the WAPF’s major crime division said at a press conference that the police were investigating a potential argument over property between both parties.

“We are looking into what we believe was an incident the previous day. We believe that might have involved a personal property item,” he said.

Family and friends were also investigated

Detective Inspector Gorton said that there were other people, who were believed to be Ng’s family and friends, in the car when he hit the cyclist.

Source: 9news

They have been also probed by the police.

Ng remains in custody and is slated to make an appearance at the Stirling Gardens Magistrates Court on 26 June.

According to Ng’s LinkedIn profile, he has been employed as a math tutor at Indigo Education Group since October 2022.

He also holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and graduated from Dunman High School in 2015.

Also read: Driver Speeding At 100km/h In Tampines Hits & Kills Cyclist, Gets 26 Weeks’ Jail

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Featured image adapted from 9news.

Thanawut Fasaisirinan

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