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S’porean Chooses To Work In M’sia, Says S’pore Has Higher Salary But No Work-Life Balance

Singaporean Man Chooses To Work In Malaysia To Spend More Time With Family & Friends

While many Malaysians cross the border to work in Singapore due to higher salary offers, one Singaporean chooses to do the opposite.

In a TikTok video, a Singaporean man shared that although Singapore’s currency exchange rates mean a relatively higher salary, he chooses to work in Malaysia.

He said this is because, in Malaysia, he can live his life and meet with friends and family often.

Comparatively, working in Singapore is more pressurising, leaving him with less time for family.

Singaporean chooses to work in Malaysia despite lower pay

In the Tiktok video, a Malaysian man shared that he often hears how the Singapore dollar exchange rate is higher than the ringgit.

But his Singaporean friend, Hayyum, has a different perspective.

Source: TikTok

The Singaporean said ultimately, he chooses to work in Malaysia to be with his wife and kids in Malaysia.

While it is true that the Singapore dollar has more value than the ringgit, he said Malaysians working in Singapore still have to grapple with the higher cost of living, like paying for food and transport here.

I have friends who work in Malaysia and Singapore. In their own countries, they also earn about 1,500. But the biggest difference is that my friends in Malaysia have a life.

Hayyum said his friends in Malaysia could meet with their friends and family often and, most importantly, spend time with their children.


“Meanwhile, my friend, who works in Singapore and earns S$1,500, has but a day in a week to spend with his kid. Sometimes, he’s too busy even to see them for the week,” he said.

Time with family & friends is the most important

Hayyum shared that one of the reasons he chose to work in Malaysia is because it’s not as stressful there.

The most important factor to him is the time he spends with his family.

Source: TikTok

“I want to be able to spend lots of time with my kids and see my family and friends,” he said. “That’s the best thing.”

Netizens concur that money is not everything

The video went viral, garnering over 256,500 views on TikTok. Many related to Hayyum’s perspective.

This TikTok user shared that he had always had that same opinion and is glad Hayyum voiced his thoughts.

Translation: Yesss, that’s right. Finally, there are people who help voice my opinion. Welcome to Malaysia, bro
Source: TikTok

Backing Hayyum’s claims, another user shared that when he worked in Singapore, he would go to work at 4.30am and return home at 11pm.

Translation: Go to work at 4.30am, come home at 11pm… Haven’t even mentioned showering, eating, and resting
Source: TikTok

Many agreed with Yo Yo’s thoughts that money is not everything and respected the way he has chosen to live his life.

Source: TikTok

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Featured image adapted from TikTok.

Sabrina Seng

Sabrina is always facing some form of existential crisis but other than that, she's pretty chill.