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Driver Tailgates Car & Flashes Lights In Jurong, Called Out For Aggressive Behaviour

Land Rover Driver Tailgates Car, Flashes Lights & Hurls Vulgarities At Another Motorist

When driving on the road, emotions can run high, especially when one finds themselves in a tricky situation. However, this is no excuse to respond to others with aggression.

Recently, a driver described an encounter of his with a particularly aggressive man in a Land Rover.

The Land Rover driver had tailgated his car, flashed his lights to blind him, and even hurled vulgarities when confronted.

Netizens have since called out the Land Rover driver for his behaviour, while others are wondering what the OP could have done to trigger such a reaction.

Driver tailgates car and flashes lights in Jurong

According to a post on the SG Road Vigilante (SGRV) Facebook page, the incident occurred on 21 Jul at around 6.26pm.

Source: SGRV on Facebook

At the start of the video, the driver of a Land Rover tailgates the OP’s car, flashing a set of very bright lights as well.

He continues trailing behind the OP all the way into a car park, honking even though OP said there were cars in front of him, blocking the way.

This prompted OP to stop the car and confront the driver, asking what was wrong.

Source: SGRV on Facebook

During the confrontation, OP said that the Land Rover driver was “very aggressive” and even resorted to swearing and verbal abuse.


A heated, obscenity-filled argument between the two parties can also be heard in the clip that was posted on Facebook.

Source: SGRV on Facebook

In the caption of the post, the OP added that when he tried asking the driver to calm down, the latter responded with threatening hand gestures.

Worried that the driver would get physical, the OP quickly drove off.

Netizens denounce Land Rover driver’s aggressive behaviour

After the post went up, many netizens called the Land Rover driver out for his actions. Some even labelled him a “road bully”.

Source: Facebook

A few users urged the OP to file a police report against the driver.

Source: Facebook

They also said that when something like this happens, it is important to try not to fight back.

Source: Facebook

What’s more, tailgating in such a manner could have put both the OP and Land Rover driver at risk of a severe accident, not to mention endanger other road users.

However, others also questioned what could have happened to trigger such an emotional outburst from the Land Rover driver.

Source: Facebook

They even seemed to suspect the OP, asking what he did before the events captured in the footage.

Some are saying that everybody should wait for the Land Rover driver to release a video telling his side of the story before coming to any conclusions.

Source: Facebook

In any case, as one user pointed out, leaving an LED light bar uncovered and flashing them are both illegal in Singapore.

Source: Facebook

Yet another avoidable case of road rage

Singapore is no stranger to road rage antics going viral, with a mother-and-son duo making waves earlier this month for the now-infamous licence plate-throwing incident at Tuas Second Link.

Thankfully, the dramatic dispute between the two drivers in the car park did not escalate into a physical altercation, although such an encounter should not even have happened in the first place.

With yet another case gaining attention online, we should be reminded of the need to control our emotions whenever we’re on the road.

Even when someone has offended us in some way, it is always wise to leave matters to the authorities.

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Featured image adapted from SGRV on Facebook.

Sudeshna Dhar

Sudeshna is a lover of all romcoms, especially Gone Girl (2014).

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