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Red Tampines BTO Gives Off Eerie Vibes At Night, Choice Of Colour Spooks Residents

Residents Spooked By Red Tampines BTO

Recently, images of a new BTO in Tampines made their rounds online. Although at first sight, you might not believe the building belongs to a public housing estate in Singapore.

The ceilings are red, and certain parts of the walls are lined with glossy red tiles. Even the floors are crimson.

While eye-catching, the curious choice of colour also spooked many.

According to Lianhe Zaobao, the building in question is Block 640B Tampines Street 62.

Meanwhile, a social media user perfectly captured the eerie vibe of the building in the deep hours of the night.

Tampines BTO has red ceilings & red tiles everywhere

On Tuesday (28 Feb), TikTok user @zelia2702 uploaded a video documenting the interesting-looking building at night.

Though it wasn’t a long clip, 16 seconds was enough to convey the creepy vibes.

The video opened with a photo of what appears to be a lift landing.

Source: @zelia2702 on TikTok

However, at first glance, it looks nothing like the lift landings in other Singapore public housing.


From the photo, the entire lift landing has an eerie red glow reminiscent of a dark room.

The user then captured the lift landing from another angle, and it became clear that it was in some high-rise residential building.

Source: @zelia2702 on TikTok

Following that is a photo of the residents’ letterbox area, paved with the same crimson-red tiles.

Source: @zelia2702 on TikTok

The last photo looks like something out of a horror film, as darkness blankets the entire building save for the red glow of the lift landings.

Source: @zelia2702 on TikTok

Netizens express concerns

Responding to the video, some users were concerned, while others were amused. One worried resident said that the estate looked especially scary at night.

Source: TikTok

The user then highlighted that the BTO was located at their estate. According to the video’s caption, the crimson building is located in Tampines Green Vines.

Another user in the comments took matters into their hands and tagged Minister for National Development Desmond Lee and Minister Baey Yam Keng.

Source: TikTok

They urged the ministers to look into the matter and echoed other residents’ spooky sentiments.

Although most in the comments were successfully creeped out, some others praised the unique aesthetic of the building.

Source: TikTok

The user even noted that it would serve well as the backdrop of a photo shoot.

Going by general sentiments of the comments section, the aesthetic is an acquired taste and definitely not the layman’s cup of tea.

Repainting under works

Fortunately for the residents creeped out by all the red, some parts of the building appear to be undergoing a refresh.

Lianhe Zaobao reported that workers were painting the red ceiling of the fifth-floor lift landing white on Tuesday (28 Feb) night.

However, whether the other floors will receive the same treatment is unclear.

What do you think about this never-seen-before crimson aesthetic? Let us know in the comments.

Have news you must share? Get in touch with us via email at

Featured image adapted from @zelia2702 on TikTok.

Dayana Rizal

Dayana needs coffee, all the time. She takes daily dopamine-breaks in the sun.

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