
‘It’s a giant breeding ground’: Tourist with bird phobia shaken after encountering pigeons at Maxwell Hawker Centre

Tourist with bird phobia vows never to return to Singapore after encountering pigeons at hawker centre

Phobias can come from the most peculiar sources and for some, an encounter with their object of fear can stir extreme and hysterical reactions.

That’s exactly what happened to this tourist who found herself overwhelmed with fear at the sight of pigeons while dining at Maxwell Food Centre.

Source: Xiaohongshu

The incident left her crying and vowing never to return to Singapore.

Encounter with pigeons brings tourist to tears

In a video uploaded on Xiaohongshu on Monday (15 April), a tourist recounted her experience with pigeons in Singapore. Crying uncontrollably, she explained that the reason for her tears was a pigeon that she had spotted coming underneath her table at Maxwell Food Centre.

“When I was eating, the pigeon on the floor came running to me, and I could see all kinds of pigeons here!” she exclaimed. She then pointed at her bag which she said was “trapped” at the table with the pigeon.

Source: Xiaohongshu

Calls Singapore a ‘giant pigeon breeding ground’

Those who’ve lived in Singapore long enough would know that pigeons are a common sight here, especially at open food establishments like hawker centres, where they often scavenge for scraps diners leave behind.

Some patrons may find them endearing but for this tourist with bird phobia, the creatures represented a source of profound distress.

“I felt like dying when the pigeon came close to me and couldn’t take it when it chased after me. This isn’t a food court. It’s a giant pigeon breeding ground!” she said in the video. She then vowed never to return to Singapore because of this incident.

Hawker staff help distressed tourist

According to World of Buzz, the female tourist was spotted at Maxwell Food Centre on 12 April.

Thinking that she was crying because she was lost, a cleaner there approached her, only to realise that the pigeons were the cause of her distress.


“From what I could remember, there was only one pigeon under her table,” the cleaner claimed.

Source: Xiaohongshu

The tourist’s intense reaction is indicative of ornithophobia, which WebMD describes to be a fear of birds that can manifest in various degrees of severity.

In the video, the woman explained that she had always had a fear of birds.  “I have really tried my best. I’ve been afraid of them my whole life and I don’t know why,” she explained.

Sobbing, she warned people about the amount of pigeons in Singapore food courts. She added that people with bird phobias should avoid places like zoos and Singapore.

Netizens criticise tourist

While some sympathised with the tourist’s plight, others claimed she was overreacting and even wondered how she survived in her own country, where birds likely fly around too.

Source: Xiaohongshu

Others found her calling Singapore a “pigeon breeding ground” as unfairly tarnishing Singapore’s reputation.

Source: Xiaohongshu

Tourist with bird phobia responds to comments

In a follow-up post, the tourist clarified that her intention was not to disparage Singapore but to caution fellow phobia sufferers about potential triggers in urban environments.

She acknowledged Singapore’s beauty but stressed the importance of awareness for those with similar fears.

Also read: 20 Pigeons Found Dead In Yishun, Town Council Says Population Management Necessary To Protect Residents

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Featured image adapted from Xiaohongshu.

Jocelyn Suarez

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