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TP officer fatally hits pedestrian while allegedly speeding in Tai Seng, charged with dangerous driving

TP officer allegedly hits pedestrian at junction of Hougang Avenue 3 & Kim Chuan Drive

A traffic police officer was charged with dangerous driving on Tuesday (25 June) for fatally hitting a pedestrian in Tai Seng last June.

He reportedly rode between 94.3km/hr and 111km/hr on the stretch of road, which had a speed limit of 50km/hr.

If found guilty of his charge, the officer faces a jail term of between two and eight years.

TP officer charged with dangerous driver

According to Channel NewsAsia (CNA), the incident happened at the junction of Hougang Avenue 3 and Kim Chuan Drive at about 5.40pm on 21 June 2023.

Source: SGRV FRONT MAN on Facebook

As he was speeding at the time, 32-year-old Muhammad Firdaus Yusoff was allegedly unable to react when the victim — Mr Tan Leng Hing — crossed the road.

Firdaus hit the 58-year-old, who sustained multiple injuries as a result of the collision and died later on.

Source: SGRV FRONT MAN on Facebook

Faces jail term of between 2 and 8 years

In response to CNA queries, a police spokesperson said the incident occurred when Firdaus was on patrol duty.

Following the incident, Firdaus was suspended from frontline duties.

The spokesperson also said that SPF officers are “expected to exercise the utmost care” when carrying out their duties.


If found guilty of dangerous driving causing death, Firdaus faces a jail term of between two and eight years’. He could also be banned from driving.

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Featured image adapted from SGRV FRONT MAN on Facebook.

Thanawut Fasaisirinan

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