
MOE Pushes Back TraceTogether Check-Ins At Schools, Will Wait Till All Tokens Are Handed Out

MOE Postpones Usage Of TraceTogether For Entry At Schools

In a quick U-turn to last night’s rule, Ministry of Education (MOE) has announced that they have decided to postpone the TraceTogether check-in requirement at schools.

It was initially announced that students will have to check in via TraceTogether app or tokens from 1 Dec.

MOE has also updated their frequently asked questions (FAQ) page with more information regarding using TraceTogether at schools.

TraceTogether will only be implemented when tokens are collected

According to The Straits Times, MOE has decided to implement this obligation only after all tokens have been handed out at CCs.

As the government aims to end the collection process by year-end, it can be expected that TraceTogether check-ins will resume some time after Jan 2021.

This information has also been updated on MOE’s FAQ page under Precautionary Measures at Schools.

Updated questions with answers on FAQ page

For parents who are wondering why schools are implementing TraceTogether-only SafeEntry system when safe management measures are already in place, MOE reassures that schools are indeed safe currently.

However, TraceTogether-only SafeEntry will supplement the current measures and more importantly, contact tracing efforts.

In short, TraceTogether will help to ensure that contact tracing is carried out swiftly and effectively.


But instead 1 Dec, MOE said TraceTogether-only SafeEntry will be put into effect when collection of tokens at their respective constituencies is completed.

Everyone above the age of 7 will need to use TraceTogether.

Netizens wonder if tokens can be distributed at schools instead

In light of the recent measure, residents are wondering if MOE could consider distributing the tokens at schools instead.

Many think that this would help reduce crowds and ensure a faster, more efficient distribution to students.



A Facebook user posted a reminder, saying that it’d be best to ensure that something has been 100% distributed to the community before making it mandatory.


Hope collection process will be smooth

TraceTogether tokens are currently available for collection 1 constituency at a time, beginning with Marsiling-Yew Tee GRC.

Hopefully, the collection process will be smooth so that all residents are equipped with the tokens when necessary. For now, we just have to keep our eyes peeled for the next announcement by MOE.

You can check for the collection schedule in your area at TokenGoWhere website here.

Have news you must share? Get in touch with us via email at

Featured image adapted from and Facebook.

Amanda Yeap

Amanda is obsessed with wet tissues, especially 100% antibacterial bamboo organic ones. She also likes to use them to chope tables at eateries.

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