
Netizens defend TransCom officers over complaint about them holding takeaway food on MRT

Netizens rally behind TransCom officers after someone complains about them holding takeaway food on MRT

A video posted on the Complaint Singapore Facebook page about Public Transport Security Command (TransCom) officers on a Circle Line MRT train has sparked a heated debate.

In the clip, at least three officers are seen holding plastic bags with takeaway food inside. One of them is also using his phone.

Source: Complaint Singapore on Facebook

This innocuous scene somehow managed to offend the user, who claimed it presents a “very bad public image for our uniformed group”.

He grumbled: “In case of emergency is this type of uniformed group ready to respond! (sic)”

But the response from other netizens probably wasn’t what he was expecting.

Users defend TransCom officers, say they need to eat, too

The post has garnered almost 1,000 comments — most of them criticising the user for being unreasonable.

Many stated that the officers are also human and need to eat, too.

Source: Facebook

This netizen suggested that the officer could have been writing a report on his phone and chided the user for “embarrassing” himself.

Source: Facebook

Despite the backlash, the user doubled down on his stance, insisting that most commenters “missed the point”.

Source: Facebook

He emphasised that officers should “respect the uniform [they] wear in public”, clarifying that his disapproval was not about “whether they are human or not”.


The user also said that he was simply practising his “responsibility” as a member of the public to “point out things that are not right in [his] opinion in order to maintain the standard required”.

MS News has reached out to TransCom for comment.

Also read: Squabbling MRT Commuters Take Argument Outside, TransCom Officers Greet Them At The Door

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Featured image adapted from Complaint Singapore on Facebook.

Jonathan Yee

Jonathan is a bedroom headbanger. His Kobo is never far from him.

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