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Woman in US apparently unaware about pregnancy, ends up giving birth at Taco Bell outlet

Woman in US unaware about pregnancy gives birth at Taco Bell

A woman in the US recently delivered her baby inside a Taco Bell restroom.

The delivery came as a surprise as she apparently did not know that she was pregnant.

The incident occurred on 30 April when the in-home nurse visited the outlet for a quick lunch. A stomach ache sent her to the restroom, but then out came a baby.

Surprise baby delivered inside Taco Bell

According to WTVR, a nurse from Richmond, Virginia made a routine stop at a local Taco Bell after having a craving for it.

However, she was struck with a stomach ache after she placed her order. She then rushed to the restroom where it became apparent that it was going to be serious.

“When I sat down there was no standing back up,” she said.

Source: WTVR

She saw that she was bleeding, which then prompted her to immediately call her husband.

Her husband, who works at the VCU Medical Center, quickly rushed out of the hospital upon hearing his distressed wife.

However, he stopped in his tracks when his wife unleashed a guttural scream.

After a moment of silence, the woman told her husband that they’d just had a baby.


Couple did not know they were having a baby

The baby came as a surprise to the couple, who said they were unaware of the pregnancy.

Source: WTVR

Emergency services then conveyed the woman and her newborn to the hospital.

Doctors told her that she may have experienced a cryptic pregnancy, where women don’t experience the symptoms until very late into the pregnancy.

Also read: Woman Gives Birth In Grab Car, Driver Remains Calm & Takes Them Safely To Hospital

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Featured image adapted from WTVR

Buranond Kijwatanachai

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