The authorities and medical groups are hard at work as Covid-19 vaccinations are being administered to frontline workers.
On Monday (18 Jan), full-scale vaccination programme for air-crew and frontline workers began at Changi Airport Terminal 4 (T4).
In time to come, the folks from Changi Airport Group (CAG) are confident that they can administer up to 4,000 vaccines in a single day.
According to The Straits Times (ST), the vaccination centre at Changi Airport T4 was set up within just 5 days by Raffles Medical Group.
Last week, some 1,000 aviation workers were vaccinated as part of a trial run.
On Monday (18 Jan), the full-scale vaccination of front-liners from the aviation and maritime industry kicked off.
The centre aims to vaccinate 7,000 individuals this week.
Within just 2 months, around 37,000 frontline workers from the aviation and maritime sectors are expected to be vaccinated.
The vaccination centre’s lead physician, Dr Tan, shared that they are able to expand beyond the current 4,000 vaccination capacity if needed.
As of now, there are 27 vaccination stations at the centre. Even with the safe estimate of 12 patients per hour for 14 hours per day, they are able to administer 4,000 vaccinations each day.
According to ST, the centre hopes to keep the duration needed to vaccinate an individual to under an hour. This is inclusive of the 30 minutes that individuals are kept for observation after receiving the shot.
Setting up a vaccination centre within such a short time is no small feat.
For one, a medical fridge with a capacity of over 100,000 doses has to be used to ensure the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is properly stored.
Operation managers at the centre also have the crucial job of ensuring the right number of doses are prepared according to the number of people present.
Despite the challenging task, Dr Tan assures the public of the safety precautions taken at the centre.
In total, there are 70 healthcare professions present at all times, reported ST.
EpiPens, adrenaline, and resuscitation equipment are also kept on-site, in case of emergencies.
Thankfully, there have been no adverse reactions to the vaccine thus far, apart from minor complains like headaches and aches at the injection sites.
As Singapore ramps up its vaccination capacity, let’s hope more members of the public would proceed to have their jabs administered.
Hopefully, the Coivd-19 vaccine would spell the end of the pandemic and allow us to resume normalcy in our everyday lives.
Are you among those who have received the vaccine? Share with us your experience in the comments below!
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Featured image adapted from Facebook and Google Maps.
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