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‘S’poreans like to wear shorts & join queues’: Video differentiates between Chinese in S’pore & from China

Video teaches how to tell difference between Chinese Singaporeans & Chinese nationals

Recently, a video teaching viewers how to differentiate between Chinese Singaporeans and Chinese nationals gained attention on TikTok.

Among the points listed was that Singaporeans supposedly enjoy wearing shorts and joining queues.

It also highlighted that compared to those from China, locals do not like to work overtime.

Many netizens, however, refuted the controversial claims.

Clip claims Singaporean Chinese & people from China have different appearances

The clip, which shares eight differentiating factors, was shared on TikTok by Vaster News (@vasternews) on Tuesday (9 April).

It appeared to take points from an article on an unknown source.

For the first point, the narrator said that Singaporeans have tan skin due to the sunny weather all year round.

Moreover, according to them, many women enjoy tanning as they find that bronze skin looks healthier.

Source: @vasternews on TikTok

Another point related to appearance was that the favourite attire donned by locals is singlets and shorts.

Source: @vasternews on TikTok

Well, with the weather in Singapore being what it is, we can’t say we blame anybody for wanting to stay cool.


Points about personality differences also highlighted

When it came to personality differences between the two groups, the clip also did not hold back its assertions.

In particular, the narrator claimed that Singaporeans leave work on the dot and would not voluntarily work overtime.

Source: @vasternews on TikTok

Tell that to those who work more than the mandated 44 hours a week.

Another supposed trait is that they do not look out for vehicles when crossing the road.

Source: @vasternews on TikTok

Of course, one simply doesn’t talk about Singaporeans without mentioning their love for queueing.

Source: @vasternews on TikTok

For example, snaking queues are bound to be spotted for ‘new notes’ ahead of Chinese New Year (CNY), as well as the more recently raved-about Snoopy Omega Watch.

Many refute claims in video about Chinese Singaporeans

Many users were quick to shoot down the stereotypes posited in the video.

Quite a few netizens highlighted that it was nonsense.

Source: TikTok

One suggested that only the claim about Singaporeans’ attire holds true.

As for the rest, they chided the creator, telling them they didn’t understand Singaporeans at all.

Source: TikTok

Well, we think the part about Singaporeans always queuing isn’t too far from the truth either.

What do you think about the video? Let us know in the comments.

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Featured image adapted from @vasternews on TikTok

Amber Ang

Amber is an unapologetic fangirl and a huge Swiftie.