Viral spooky HDB corridor video showing package ‘moving by itself’ is actually Lazada 9.9 campaign

‘Moving package’ video turns out to be creative Lazada ad for ‘Scarily Good Deals’ 9.9 campaign

Recently, a spooky video posted near the end of the Hungry Ghost Festival depicted a delivery package “moving by itself” across an HDB corridor.

The viral TikTok clip posted on 1 Sept was widely shared, sparking speculation on whether supernatural forces were at play, and what the package might have included.

Turns out, it was a creative ad by Lazada to promote its 9.9 sale.

Source: @hoosi3ryourdaddyhuh on TikTok

Package moves down corridor by itself in video taken on 30 Aug

The CCTV footage, which has a time stamp of 10.02pm on 30 Aug, showed a blue package dropping from a cupboard in the corridor, seemingly on its own.

Source: @hoosi3ryourdaddyhuh on TikTok

A large, ominous shadow then glides down the wall, disappearing without a trace.

Source: @hoosi3ryourdaddyhuh on TikTok

The aforementioned package then moves across the floor, down the corridor and away from the camera, again seemingly by itself.

Source: @hoosi3ryourdaddyhuh on TikTok

Viral video leads netizens to think of supernatural activity

The video has since gained more than 250,000 views, more than 4,000 likes and close to 4,000 shares.

Among the more than 300 comments, many seemed to reference supernatural activity, with some even asking whether the package contained “hell money”.

Screenshot courtesy of Lazada

Other netizens questioned why a ghost would want to steal a package, with one suggesting it might be a prank.

Screenshot courtesy of Lazada

TikToker says ghost was ‘naughty’ & ‘greedy’

TikToker @sneakysushii, who calls himself “Singapore’s top paranormal investigator”, even posted a reaction video to the clip.


He said the “naughty” and “greedy” ghost had a “fat ass” and must have been “feasting” during the Hungry Ghost Festival.

He added that the “neighbourhood police watch” should increase its patrols to catch the ghostly thief as its actions were “unacceptable”.

Source: @sneakysushii on TikTok

However, if the video isn’t real, it’s “very well-edited”, he noted, though the package being dragged away was “sus” as it was done too smoothly.

‘Moving package’ video is part of Lazada 9.9 campaign

After days of fervent discussion, a clue as to what this was all about was offered when Lazada Singapore commented on @sneakysushii’s video, asking netizens to Google “Lazada package CCTV”.

Source: @sneakysushii on TikTok

Doing this turned up a Lazada microsite where a longer version of the same video was uploaded.

It revealed that the “culprit” was actually the adorable Lazada mascot, Lazzie.

Source: Lazada

The site also offers daily voucher codes as part of its “Scarily Good Deals” 9.9 campaign from 8 to 11 Sept.

Lazada collaborated with TikTok users to launch content organically

A Lazada spokesperson told MS News that it wanted to create fun, compelling and engaging content that resonates with audiences and cuts through the clutter of sales messaging.

Collaborating with a regular TikTok user and a TikToker “known for sharing his supernatural encounters” allowed the content to be launched organically without disclosing the brand’s involvement, it said, adding:

We wanted this to be a more organic approach in order to generate curiosity and virality from the community.

After this “Phase 1” of the campaign gained traction, the company then revealed “Phase 2” (the microsite) on Thursday (5 Sept) evening.

Idea for video came about during lunch conversation

Lazada said the idea for a supernatural-themed video came about during a lunch conversation about paranormal sightings in the army.

From there, it knew that this was a topic that could trigger “buzz” and potential virality so the campaign could become larger than “just another sale”.

Considering that 9.9 takes place after the seventh month and before Halloween, it’s also fitting that Lazada could “put a cheeky spin” on its deals by declaring that prices are so low they’re “scarily good”.

Since the campaign went viral, Lazada expressed satisfaction, saying:

We are definitely pleased with yet another viral campaign following the cinema activation which “broke the fourth wall”.

Lazada aims to create more interactive content

The Lazada spokesperson was referring to its previous campaign in June that took place in a cinema and involved an on-screen mother calling her “son”, who was in the audience.

Source: Lazada Singapore on YouTube

The male actor playing the son then dashed out of the theatre and appeared on screen with his mother, to the amusement of the audience.

Source: Lazada Singapore on YouTube

The ad ended with a call to action to shop at Lazada, finally revealing its motivation.

Source: Lazada Singapore on YouTube

Lazada said the cinema ad was “really fun with a huge surprise element”, and the company aims to create more such enjoyable content to establish direct and authentic interactions with audiences instead of the one-way communication of traditional sales messaging.

This interactive element hopes to allow people to “break free from the mundane” and generate community discussion, it added.

Also read: Innovative Lazada ad featuring actor breaking fourth wall at S’pore cinemas leaves audience in stitches

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Featured image adapted from @hoosi3ryourdaddyhuh on TikTok and Lazada.

Jeremy Lee

Analog person making do with a digital world.

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