
Wet & Cool Weather Expected During CNY, Consider Bringing Umbrella To Bai Nian

Wet & Cool CNY Period Expected Due To Monsoon Surge, 2nd Half Of Jan Will Bring More Rain

The Chinese New Year (CNY) festivities are around the corner, and many Singaporeans are looking forward to bai nian (going visiting) without Covid-19 restrictions.

However, it might be useful to note that wet and cooler weather has been predicted for the upcoming CNY period.

Source: hathaway_m on Flickr

Thus, do consider bringing an umbrella along when you bai nian.

CNY period monsoon surge to bring wet & cool conditions

In to a weather advisory on Monday (16 Jan), the Meteorological Service Singapore (MSS) said a high-pressure system over northern Asia is likely to strengthen this week.

This could bring a surge of strong north-easterly winds — in other words, a monsoon surge — over the South China Sea during the CNY period.

It may bring cooler conditions to Singapore, as well as spells of showers, in the festive season.

Source: Lily Banse on Unsplash

Rainy weather will ease in last week of Jan

However, it won’t be wet for the whole CNY.

The monsoon surge should last for just a few days, the MSS said.

Following which, the rainy weather is likely to ease in the last week of January.

In this period, localised short-duration thundery showers are predicted in the afternoon.


For the entire second half of the month, the Northeast Monsoon conditions that are currently prevailing over the region will persist.

That means low-level winds will blow from the northwest or northeast.

Accordingly, the second half of January will generally be wetter than the first half of the month.

Temperature from 24-32°C on most days

As for the daily temperature, it be slightly lower in the next fortnight, hovering between 24°C and 32°C on most days.

On a few days, it may even hit a high of 33°C.

When the rainy weather comes around, lower daily temperatures will likely be recorded.

Those who love sweater weather can delight in experiencing between 22°C and 30°C temperatures on a few days.

1st half of Jan was dry, with below-average rainfall

Singapore was subjected to a dry first half of January, MSS said.

In fact, there was less rain in that period compared to the second half of December 2022, leading to well below average rainfall.

The rainfall anomaly was highest in Bukit Panjang, at 90% below average.

However, it was also relatively cool in the first half of January. There were only two days where the daily maximum temperature was above 34°C.

The lowest minimum temperature was a chilly 22.3°C, recorded on 12 Jan at Sembawang.

Cool temperatures means more comfort in new clothes

The wet CNY weather might threaten to dampen the spirits of those going to bai nian.

However, looking at the bright side, the cooler temperatures will also make it more comfortable when you’re out and about in your new clothes.

So if you’re going outdoors over CNY, do enjoy the rare cool weather.

Have news you must share? Get in touch with us via email at news@mustsharenews.com.

Featured image adapted from hathaway_m on Flickr.

Jeremy Lee

Analog person making do with a digital world.

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