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Woman in the Philippines jumps onto train tracks, train brakes on time

Woman jumps onto train tracks in the Philippines

A 50-year-old woman jumped onto Light Rail Transit (LRT) tracks in the Philippines on Tuesday (25 June) at 12.41pm.

Luckily, the train braked in time and she sustained only minor injuries.

An earlier police report said that the woman went unconscious and fell into the tracks.

However, new footage revealed that the woman had actually jumped into the tracks as the train approached.

Police said the woman fell by accident

Initially, Light Rail Manila Corporation (LRMC), which operates the train, reported that the woman had jumped into the tracks.

Source: @officialLRT1 on X

However, according to, the Manila Police District (MPD) refuted this, saying the woman had lost consciousness and fell into the train tracks.

The police department also said it spoke with the woman’s live-in partner who said she only has a health history of hypertension and stroke.

Video shows the woman jumping onto train tracks

However, a CCTV video from LRMC revealed that the woman had run from the sidelines and jumped onto the tracks as the train approached.

Another video taken from a different angle, which has gone viral on Facebook with over 9 million views, showed the woman sitting on the tracks while covering her face.


Thankfully, a nearby security guard was able to signal the train operator to hit the brakes.

The woman went under the train but only sustained minor injuries.

Train operations resumed shortly after

Following the incident, the woman was sent to the hospital and turned over to the authorities, LRMC posted on X.

Train operations were temporarily suspended but resumed shortly at 1pm.

LMRC is currently looking into putting up safety barriers at train stations to prevent similar incidents.

However, there are currently four types of trains in use with different door layouts and dimensions, wrote GMA News.

Also read: Train in Vietnam runs through car parked along tracks, driver was shopping at nearby market

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Featured image adapted from LRMC via @_iancruz on X, Jonald Rivares via Marbelenews Online on Facebook

Kim Shelly Tan

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