
Woman In China Has 9 Children In 13 Years, Wants More To Get All The Zodiacs

Chinese Woman Has 9 Children In 15 Years, Wants More To Complete The Zodiac

Most people are satisfied with just one or two children. After all, they can be quite a handful to deal with.

A woman in China, however, has given birth to nine children in the past 13 years with no intention of stopping.

She intends to continue until she has kids that represent all 12 Chinese Zodiac signs.

Source: Sohu

The woman explained that she does not want to ‘waste’ her husband’s genes.

Felt 3 children were not enough

According to Sohu, Tian Dongxia, 34, met her husband Zhao Wanlong in high school. The couple got married after graduation.

Source: Sohu

Ms Tian gave birth to their eldest daughter — the first of many children — in 2010, the Year of the Tiger.

Not intending to stop, the new mother aimed to have a son next.

She had her wish granted twice in one go when she had male twins in 2012, the Year of the Dragon.

Around this time, Ms Tian was feeling quite happy with her life with three cute children to raise and her husband’s business growing.

A few years passed and Ms Tian felt a longing for more kids.


Her husband agreed, and they had their fourth child in 2016, the Year of the Goat.

Woman has 9 children by 2022

With absolutely no intention to stop, Ms Tian went on to give birth to four more children over the next four years.

Source: Sohu

Of course, the Covid-19 pandemic made having children very complicated.

In 2020, she had to give birth to her daughter in the hospital by herself.

Her youngest child — so far — came into the world in 2022, the Year of the Tiger, making her a very happy mother of nine.

Ms Tian is currently pregnant again and has every intention to continue.

In fact, she wants to have a child for each Chinese Zodiac sign until she completes all 12.

To recap, her oldest and youngest children are both Tigers while her twins are Dragons.

Her other children were born in the Years of the Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig, and Rat.

Source: Sohu

This means she still has the Ox, Rabbit, Snake, Horse, and Sheep remaining.

While 2023 is the Year of the Rabbit, she’ll have to wait until 2033 to have an Ox baby.

9 children cared for by nannies in family mansion

Of course, one might be wondering how in the world Ms Tian can handle having nine children running around the house.

Source: Sohu

Well, for one, at least money isn’t an issue.

Her husband’s successful business has made the family very wealthy, and they live in a large and expensive mansion.

Source: Sohu

On top of that, they have six nannies who only focus on caring for the children.

Ms Tian also has a dedicated chauffeur and stays in the best confinement centres after giving birth to recover.

While naysayers have dismissed her as a “birth-giving machine”, Ms Tian willingly chose to have so many kids and is happy with her large family.

She even said that it would be a shame to waste her husband’s excellent genes by not having even more.

To add to that, Ms Tian isn’t just a mother and housewife.

She is the general manager of her husband’s wealthy Wanzheng Group and even played a major role in building to its current size.

Ms Tian is responsible for the company’s daily operations… all on top of her parental duties and handling the children’s education herself.

While having that many children isn’t something most of us would want to do, what matters most is that it was her choice and she’s happy with it.

Also read: 62-Year-Old M’sian Woman Has A Husband Who’s 28, Her 10 Kids Accept Him Into Family

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Featured image adapted from Sohu.

Ethan Oh

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