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Woman Overturns Yishun Stall Tables & Punches Shop Owner, Police Arrest Her For Public Nuisance

Police Arrest 42-Year-Old Woman After She Overturns Yishun Stall Tables & Punches Shop Owner

After visiting a durian stall at Block 846 Yishun Ring Road on Monday (12 Dec), a woman abruptly went to a nearby store to cause trouble.

Besides overturning tables and chairs, she even punched the female boss there.

Police later arrested her for being a public nuisance, Shin Min Daily News reported.

Woman overturns stall tables & punches Yishun shop owner

The victim, 54-year-old Ms Wang, told Shin Min Daily News that the woman, whom she didn’t know, had visited a durian stand nearby.

Then, she suddenly came over without any apparent reason and started to overturn the tables in front of Ms Wang’s shoe store.

She was so strong that she managed to topple two tables in a row.

Source: Shin Min Daily News on Facebook

At that time, Ms Wang was sitting inside the shop with her staff. They were so afraid that they only went out to set the tables 10 minutes after the woman left.

But to their shock, the woman returned to overturn the tables again, this time also shouting abuse and getting physical.

“While my staff were in the middle of tidying up, the woman suddenly returned, and I asked my staff to come into the store,” Ms Wang recalled.

It was then when the woman allegedly rushed over and used her fist to hit Ms Wang four times on the head before leaving. The police were called after that.


Stall owners subdue woman

For reasons unknown, the woman returned yet again a third time, hurling an empty water bottle at Ms Wang.

By this time, Ms Wang’s husband had returned to the store and together with the durian stall owner, they managed to subdue the woman.

Police soon arrived and arrested her.

Source: Shin Min Daily News on Facebook

This was the first time Ms Wang had ever encountered an incident like this since she opened her store there 28 years ago.

Woman appeared normal, says durian stall owner

Oddly enough, the durian stall owner said that there was nothing unusual about the woman’s behaviour when she was patronising his stall.

She even said the durian was delicious, buying S$15 worth of the fruit before eating them on the spot.

When SCDF paramedics arrived at the scene after the incient, they took Ms Wang’s blood pressure and found that it had soared to 190 mmHg.

Moreover, she was running a temperature. However, she declined to be sent to the hospital, and elected to return home after receiving first-aid.

Unfortunately, she was unable to sleep at all that night.

Emphasising that she does not know the woman, Ms Wang’s only wish is that she will never see her assailant again.

Police confirmed to Shin Min Daily News that they received a report at 6.25pm on Monday (12 Dec).

They arrested a 42-year-old woman for public nuisance and investigations are ongoing.

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Featured image adapted from Shin Min Daily News on Facebook.

Jonathan Yee

Jonathan is a bedroom headbanger. His Kobo is never far from him.

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