The Ministry of Health (MOH) reported 30 new Covid-19 cases in Singapore today (28 May).
15 are within the local community, of which 4 cases are currently unlinked. MOH will release details in their update later tonight.
There are also 15 imported cases today, among individuals serving their Stay-Home Notices (SHNs). Among them, 8 are Singaporeans or Permanent Residents (PRs).
Today’s tally brings our total so far to 61,970.
After several days of swab tests on staff and recent visitors, MOH has detected several more cases in the JEM/Westgate cluster.
As of 26 May, the cluster has 60 cases, though no new ones were reported yesterday (27 May).
Whether any more will surface in the coming days is uncertain, but we hope the cluster won’t expand too drastically.
Besides uncovering links between new cases and existing ones, MOH thankfully didn’t report any new clusters yesterday (27 May).
For the first time in 3 days, too, there are no new cases among workers in the dormitories.
If the stabilising numbers are proof that tighter measures are paying off, hats off to the authorities for implementing them, and to Singapore residents for abiding diligently.
Hopefully, as the situation keeps improving, we’ll be able to enjoy a little more freedom soon.
Till then, let’s at least wait it out till Phase 2 (Heightened Alert) ends, whenever that will be.
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Featured image by MS News.
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