
24 New Covid-19 Cases On 30 Apr, 4 In Community Linked To TTSH Cluster

Singapore Confirms 24 New Covid-19 Cases On 30 Apr

The Ministry of Health (MOH) reported 24 new Covid-19 cases in Singapore today (30 Apr).

15 of them are imported among individuals serving their Stay-Home Notices (SHNs).

There are 9 cases locally today, all of which are from the community. 8 of them are linked to existing clusters, with 4 connected to the Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) cluster.

MOH detected these cases after proactively testing patients and staff at the hospital. The TTSH cluster now has 13 cases in total.

Today’s tally brings our total so far to 61,145.

More community cases linked to active clusters

News of the many cases emerging from Tan Tock Seng Hospital and the ICA officer clusters certainly left Singapore in shock.


With 15 out of 16 community cases on Thursday (29 Apr) coming from these groups, the numbers are quite alarming.

Not to mention that there are now 8 active clusters in Singapore, comprising 44 cases in total.

While the numbers seem scary, perhaps there’s one thing we can take comfort in from the statistics — that contact tracing efforts are efficient and effective in containing potential transmissions early.


Cases emerge at workers’ dormitories

Apart from the community cases, those among workers staying in dormitories are also making a comeback, albeit at a slower pace.

Most of them apparently come from Westlite Woodlands Dormitory, where many were  found to be reinfection cases.


As a precaution, all recovered workers will have to undergo routine swab tests after the 270-day mark since their infection.

Hope overall numbers will fall

Since the uptick of local Covid-19 cases has been rather drastic, we can’t be certain when numbers will eventually fall again.

But considering how well our authorities have been managing the situation, we’re hopeful that they can overcome this new hurdle.

We’re still longing for the day when we can enjoy a greater sense of normalcy again. But until then, we’ll have to obey the rules and practice safe habits for our health and that of our loved ones. Here’s wishing a smooth recovery to all patients.

Have news you must share? Get in touch with us via email at

Featured image by MS News.

Fayyadhah Zainalabiden

Fayyadhah spends most of her free time wondering why there's nothing fun to do and wastes the rest of her time on Netflix.

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