Talk about Singaporeans behaving badly. Netizens are still reeling from details released this week of Madam Shi Ka Yee‘s shocking crimes.
And there’s another one already. In the latest instance of bad behaviour, an accountant was sentenced to 7 months in prison on Tuesday (14 Aug) after she insulted and assaulted police officers.
Madam Huang Huiling’s troubles began on April 9, 2016 at a multi-storey carpark in Bukit Panjang. According to Lianhe Zaobao, the 48-year-old was causing a commotion at the site at around 3am.
Frustrated residents called the police, who swiftly arrived at the carpark. Sensing something amiss, officers asked Mdm Huang to take a breathalyser test.
But Mdm Huang Huiling refused to cooperate and instead kicked up a fuss. She implied that she did not know how to take a breathalyser test because she had never performed oral sex before.
Lack of sexual experience aside, Mdm Huang was also rude to the officers.
Zaobao reports that she insulted a policewoman by saying she was “worse than a prostitute”. Recordings show that she hurled more than 600 insults at the police officers present.
And Madam Huang didn’t just hit with her words – she physically hit officers as well. She kicked a policewoman and then spat on the face of a senior police chief.
The entire fiasco was captured on video, thanks to a police officer’s bodycam. It lasted for over an hour before police arrested Mdm Huang and brought her to Jurong Police Station.
Mdm Huang intends to appeal the court’s decision and blamed her behaviour on alcohol. She told reporters that the situation she was in had caused her to “lose control”.
She also blamed her break-up with her boyfriend.
He was very violent to me. I used to look at the mirrors and cabinets in my house. I reported (the matter) a few times to the police. We have been together for four or five years, and I want to end my relationship with him.
Mdm Huang Huiling was slapped with 21 charges in all, including violations of the Traffic Act and the Protection from Harassment Act.
Featured image from Chen Peimin/Lianhe Zaobao.
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