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‘I’ve given so many chances’: Bella Astillah announces second divorce from Aliff Aziz

Bella Astillah announces divorce from Aliff Aziz

Bella Astillah is officially divorced from Singaporean actor Aliff Aziz.

The Malaysian actress announced their separation on Instagram on Thursday (13 June) at 2pm.

Source: Source: @bellaastillah on Instagram

According to a Harian Metro report, Aliff pronounced the divorce in court earlier at 1.11pm.

The actor initially refused to divorce Bella despite facing multiple cheating allegations.

This is the former couple’s second divorce, the first being on 16 May 2019.

Bella Astillah congratulates Ruhainies in IG post

In her Instagram post, Bella shared that she has always dreamt of a lasting household but her relationship with Aliff was beyond repair.

“I’ve given so many chances, but in the end I couldn’t fight destiny. [I’ve] fought for this relationship enough, but this fight is in vain because I’m the only one fighting,” she wrote.

Source: @bellaastillah on Instagram

She also congratulated Malaysian actress Ruhainies, who was embroiled in a scandal with her husband. She added:

“And for the last time, I would like to congratulate my former friend Ruhainies for successfully demolishing this mosque and my children for losing their father.”

Bella and Aliff married in September 2016, divorced on 16 May 2019, and later reconciled during the Eid period, wrote Harian Metro.


Bella Astillah gets custody of their two children

Bella had agreed not to seek a consolatory gift and alimony, reported Berita Harian.

Source: @bellaastillah on Instagram

Additionally, the former couple will not be claiming any marital property.

Aliff also relinquished full custody of their seven-year-old son and four-year-old daughter to Bella.

Singaporean actor was believed to have been unfaithful

The saga that involved Aliff and Bella began in early March, when Aliff was caught in khalwat or close proximity with his co-actor Ruhainies.

Bella then came forward, saying her husband has cheated on her 11 times, including with her younger sister.

However, Aliff said he still loved his wife and initially refused to divorce her.

Also read: ‘He cheated because he was bullied in school’: Aliff Aziz’s sister comes to his defence amid cheating scandal

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Featured image adapted from Harian Metro and Harian Metro.

Kim Shelly Tan

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