
Taiwanese Actor Stir-Fries & Eats Wife’s Placenta, Says It Tastes Like Pork Liver

Taiwanese Actor Cooks Wife’s Placenta, Says It’s Like Pork Liver

Some believe that a woman should consume her placenta after she gives birth. Supposedly, it has several health benefits and helps replenish the nutrients lost during pregnancy.

However, Benji Wang, a Taiwanese actor and singer, apparently took this belief to the next level. After his wife gave birth, Wang stir-fried her placenta and consumed it with her.

Not only that, he documented the whole process of preparing the bizarre dish on his Instagram page.

Instagram users who came across the post have mixed feelings about the dish. While some expressed shock, others were curious about what it tasted like.

Taiwanese actor stir-fries wife’s placenta with vegetables

On Sunday (14 May), Benji Wang took to Instagram reels to share his prep process for his stir-fried placenta dish.

The video started off with him washing his wife’s raw placenta. As he did so, the blood that washed off the surface of the organ stained the water red.

Source: @kungfubenji on Instagram

Next, Wang peeled off the membrane covering the placenta before chopping it up.

Source: @kungfubenji on Instagram

Then, he boiled the placenta along with the blood it contained in a pot of water. He subsequently changed out the water and continued to boil the organ.

Source: @kungfubenji on Instagram

Wang then chopped up some onions and capsicums and stir-fried them with some salt.

When the vegetables were sufficiently cooked, the actor put the pre-boiled placenta into the pan and continued cooking them with the produce.


Source: @kungfubenji on Instagram

Once the dish was done, he tried it on-camera with his wife.

Surprisingly, the couple did not seem to dislike it. In fact, Wang even said that the placenta tastes like pork liver.

Source: @kungfubenji on Instagram

In the captions, Wong wrote that giving birth is difficult on the mother, and that he heard that consuming the placenta is the best way to replenish the body.

Draws mixed reactions from netizens

Instagram users who encountered this bizarre video have mixed reactions towards it.

Most commenters, like this one, expressed shock that they would eat it just like that. They wrote in Chinese that the only way they will eat the placenta is when it is milled into powder form.

Source: Instagram

Another user wondered how the placenta tasted like, and asked if they ate it with any sauce.

Source: Instagram

However, there was also one commenter who pointed out that there is no scientific proof that consuming the organ has real health benefits.

Source: Instagram

Indeed, folk remedies such as eating the placenta should be taken with a pinch of salt — not literally.

Those who are curious should probably consult a doctor before consuming any supplements or remedies just in case.

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Featured image adapted from @kungfubenji on Instagram.

Valerie Yuam

This journalist is working really hard and couldn't write a description, but if they aren't, what have you been reading?