For most kids, birthday parties are the ultimate dream. From presents to cake to having friends over, it’s everything a kid can wish for.
Knowing this, parents will usually do everything they can to make sure their kid’s birthday is a day to remember.
For one girl who had to be hospitalised on her birthday, her family went the extra mile by throwing a party in the hospital carpark instead.
Complete with a Frozen-themed birthday cake and bubble tea, the mini party managed to put a smile on the little girl’s face.
The girl, whose name is Deja, had wanted to celebrate her 4th birthday with her parents and five siblings.
However, a celebration couldn’t be done in the hospital ward as children aren’t allowed.
According to her mother’s Instagram post, this made Deja sad as she kept asking her where her siblings were and when they could go home.
She even stared forlornly out the window at one point, saying that she missed them.
Source: Instagram
Although her parents had granted her birthday wish to eat roti prata earlier that day, they decided they had to do more than that.
Deja’s parents made do with the circumstances and decided to use the hospital’s carpark as the venue for their daughter’s party.
In a TikTok video posted on Saturday (20 Aug), her father can be seen putting down a tarp sheet as a picnic blanket and laying out food and cutlery.
Source: TikTok
He also has his little helpers – Deja’s siblings – with him to set up the scene. The cake appears to be Frozen-themed, and there are a few cups of BBT nearby as well.
Meanwhile, Deja’s mother is leading her down to the site of the party, ready to give her a surprise.
As they approach the picnic blanket, her siblings spring forward to envelop her in a heart-melting hug.
Deja’s father then leads her to her cake, and the whole family sings her the birthday song.
While the surprise caught her off guard, Deja’s confusion is soon replaced by joy at the sight of her whole family together.
She is visibly delighted by the cake and eagerly points out the names of various characters like Olaf and Elsa.
Source: TikTok
Later on, Deja is also revealed to be the queen of teka-teki (riddles) at home, coming up with one on the spot for her family to guess.
Sadly, the night comes to an end, and Deja is forced to bid a temporary goodbye to her siblings.
To comfort their children, Deja’s parents tell them their sibling and mother will only be in hospital for the night.
In the same Instagram post above, Deja’s mother told followers that Deja was pleased with the party and slept well that night.
She then reflected on the celebration, musing that kids don’t want luxurious presents like adults usually do.
Source: Instagram
In fact, all they really want are the stuff they like and spending time with the ones they love – even if they fight when they’re together, like Deja and her siblings.
As the smile on Deja’s face has proven, it doesn’t always take much to make your loved ones happy.
Although her birthday party may have been a simple one, she was able to celebrate it in the most valuable way – with her family.
Deja will have many birthdays ahead of her, but we’re sure this is one she’ll remember all the way to adulthood.
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Featured image adapted from Instagram and TikTok.
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