A family who visited Singapore for the first time is seeking a lost teen in a black shirt. He was last seen at Bayfront MRT Station on Tuesday (7 May) at around 4.45pm.
Here’s the concerned netizen’s post, published on Facebook at around 6am on 8 May.
On Tuesday (7 May), the family – who was visiting Singapore for the first time – was paying our iconic Gardens By The Bay a visit.
However, the netizen’s auntie claims that her son got separated from the group at around 4.45pm at Bayfront MRT Station as they were heading towards Tampines.
Her auntie further shares this information about her lost son:
Her auntie would like any witnesses or people with information on the case to contact her at the private phone number listed on her post.
The Facebook post has also gone viral with over 566 shares at the time of writing, as netizens help to locate her boy.
Here’s what to do in the event that your loved one goes missing. There is no minimum time period for losing contact with your loved one to make a police report.
Citizens are advised to make a report immediately when a loved one is missing, and attempts to locate them have failed.
Simply call 999 for an emergency police line or head to a nearby police post to make a report in person.
Do prepare the following information about the missing individual as well:
Netizens have also mentioned that the CCTVs around the MRT station would be able to help track the location of the missing individual.
With ample police assistance, we’re sure that help will be rendered accordingly but we can also do our part by keeping a lookout for the boy.
As Singapore is generally a safe place, we hope that the family will be reunited soon & will still enjoy a pleasant stay here.
Featured image from Facebook.
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