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Car in Thailand squeezes through tiny gap in traffic, collides with another car & falls off highway

Car tries to squeeze through gap in traffic, crash causes it to fall off highway

On Sunday (26 May) morning, a car in Bangkok was seen trying to squeeze through a tiny gap in traffic. However, as the gap closed, the car crashed into another car and was launched into the air.

Nudged by one of the cars it tried to squeeze past, the inciting car was pushed out of the road, causing it to fall off of the highway onto the street below.

Source: Thaicrime Online on Facebook

The driver of the car was subsequently found injured with chest bruises and a busted lip.

Speeding vehicle tries to squeeze through small gap in traffic

At around 11am on 26 May, a dashcam footage posted on the Facebook page Thaicrime Online captured the moment a silver hatchback tried to squeeze through a tiny gap in the traffic.

Prior to the collision, the hatchback, a Honda Jazz, can be seen accelerating along the highway. As the driver approaches two cars cruising alongside each other, he attempts to overtake them by squeezing through the small gap between them.

Source: Matichon

However, the hatchback hits the truck on its left, which then causes the hatchback to immediately flip. The roof of the hatchback hits the SUV on its right, making it lose control.

The SUV swerves to the left, which then pushes the hatchback off of the highway and onto the street below.

Only one driver injured

According to Manager Online, only one driver was injured in the incident. The 21-year-old man who drove the Honda Jazz suffered minor injuries including a busted lip.

Officials have since transported him to the hospital for treatment.

Source: Matichon

The collision left the modified Honda Jazz completely wrecked, with its front bumper caved in and missing two wheels.


Source: Matichon

The SUV, identified as a Mitsubishi Xpander, also had significant damage. The car was missing portions of its front left and the driver-side door was significantly bent.

Also Read: Hit-and-run accident involving 5 vehicles on BKE sends 2 to hospital

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Featured image adapted from Thaicrime Online on Facebook

Buranond Kijwatanachai

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